SwiftQueues is a queue and a dequeue implementation for Swift. It uses an array as underlying storage.
Feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated!
// create an empty queue of strings
var queue = SwiftQueue<String>()
// add an element in the back
// remove an element from the front
let poppedElement = queue.popFront()
// remove all elements
// get front element
// get back element
// check if queue is empty
let empty = queue.isEmpty
// get count of the elements contained in the queue
let queueCount = queue.count
// check if an element is contained in the queue and get it's index in the stack if present
let indexOfElement = stack.findElement("element")
// iterate over the collections
for element in queue {
// create an empty dequeue of Ints
var dequeue = SwiftDequeue<Int>()
// add an element in the front
// remove an element from the back
let poppedElement = queue.popBack()
Both collections are implemented as structs because they are more suitable to be value types rather than classes. Unfortunately Swift structs do not support inheritance. I will try to come up with a solution that will eliminate the repetitive code.
SwiftQueues is MIT-licensed.
If you use it please acknowledge it and tell me about it!