A toolkit for NodeJS which contains Debugger and Console Utilities.
Debugger | Console | Colors | Commands
Captain.js is a toolkit that provides console utilities such as debugging, logging, and commands.
Format console
add formats to the console that apply automatic colors, prefixes and other utilities.
const Captain = require('captainjs');
console = new Captain.Console();
console.error("This is an error");
console.warn("Warning! you are awesome.");
[23:57:44] [Log] Hello
[23:57:44] [Error] This is an error
[23:57:44] [Warn] Warning! you are awesome.
Custom Console configuration
All parameters are optional.
console = new Captain.Console({
"use_colors": true,
"debug": false,
"format": "§8[§d%time%§8] [%prefix%§8] §7%message%",
"log_prefix": "§aLog",
"warn_prefix": "§eWarn",
"error_prefix": "§cError",
"info_prefix": "§bInfo",
"debug_prefix": "§bDebug"
Colors in console
Just do a console.log (); containing a string with color scapes.
const Captain = require('captainjs');
console = new Captain.Console();
console.log("§dHello in Purple §aAnd goodbye in green");
§0 = Black
§1 = Dark Blue
§2 = Dark Green
§3 = Dark Cyan
§4 = Dark Red
§5 = Dark Purple
§6 = Gold
§7 = Gray
§8 = Dark Gray
§9 = Blue
§a = Green
§b = Aqua
§c = Red
§d = Purple
§e = Yellow
§f = White
§r = Reset
Colors in console using the Enumerator
You can concatenate a string to a color using the following enumerator.
const Color = require("captainjs").Colors;
console.log(Color.Red + "Hello");
Normal debugger
It shows in the console when the function is called, which in turn contains where it is called from and in which line of code.
const Captain = require('captainjs');
const Debug = new Captain.Debugger();
Debug called from Object.(); || test.js:4:7
Debugger with message
It shows a message in the console when the function is called, which in turn contains where it is called from and in which line of code.
const Captain = require('captainjs');
const Debug = new Captain.Debugger();
Debug.call("This works?");
This works? || test.js:4:7
Debugger with console object
const Captain = require('captainjs');
console = new Captain.Console();
[23:57:44] [Debug] Debug called from Object.(); || test.js:5:9
Register a command
Registers a function that will be executed when the specified command is written to the terminal.
const Captain = require('captainjs');
const Commander = new Captain.Commander();
Commander.registerCommand("hello", (args) => {
console.log("Hello world");
Change the command input prefix
change the text to be displayed when a command needs to be sent.
Commander.setPrefix("Type a command here: ");
Handle unknown commands
executes an action when trying to execute a non-existent command.
Commander.onUnknownCommand((cmd) => {
console.error("Invalid Command: " + cmd);