This scoreboard site was designed for a cybersecurity ctf hosted at for BU course EC521. Build on ruby, sinatra and datamapper and twitter/bootstrap
See the CTF slides for more info about the cTF
Make sure that you have bundler and ruby installed
$ git clone
$ cd scoreboard
$ bundle install
$ rake seed_competitors
$ rake seed_questions
$ ruby scoreboard
After these commands you should have everything up on localhost:4567
Free Hosting On Heroku
Clone the repo and step into the folder
$ git clone
$ cd scoreboard
From the project directory, create a Heroku application:
$ heroku create --stack cedar
Now just deploy via git:
$ git push heroku master
(Note that you will have to add the free heroku postgres db from the site)
If you want to change questions / answers / competitors check the files in the
In the views/
folder you can find all the html
All the code is in scoreboard.rb
I don't plan to use this again ... this is just hosted openly here for others to use for their CTFs as a reference
Here are the results from the competition incase you are interested