I'm porting the server from my previous snake-python project from Python 3 to Go, and the frontend to Javascript using HTML5 bindings.
Run the command 'go get github.com/gorilla/websocket' to grab the only dependency. Run 'go install' inside of the source directory to install 'snake-mmo' into '$GOPATH/bin'. Then, start the server with 'snake-mmo' (or '$GOPATH/bin/snake-mmo'), and open snake.html in a web browser.
We need to modify the server to compute and pass the high/current scores, and we need to modify the frontend to parse the high/current scores and attach them to the DOM. Changes that need to be made:
- The message format needs to be changed from "(\(\d+ \d+ \w+\))*" (the escaped parentheses, like "(", mean literal parentheses in the string) to the following in BNF:
message ::== "(" <message-part> ")"
message-part ::== <location-message>
| <score-message>
| <direction-message>
location-message ::== "loc " <number> " " <number> " " <color>
score-message ::== "score " <string> " " <number>
direction-message ::== "dir " <direction>
direction ::== "left" | "right" | "up" | "down"
color ::== a string defined as a constant in color.go
func createSendData's internals should be refactored into two functions, createLocationData and createScoreData, which are then concatenated together and returned by createSendData.
func decodeMessage needs to be created, which parses the message passed througrh the websocket connection and calls either func decodeDir or func decodeName. It should be called in the "case c := <-h.update" block in func (h *hub) run.
func decodeName needs to be created, to parse and return a name.
- Update drawScreen to parse incoming messages. Think about refactoring the parsing part into multiple functions.