Scala client for Amazon DynamoDB
Add a following dependency into your build.sbt
at first.
libraryDependencies += "" %% "aws-dynamodb-scala" % "0.0.2"
Then you can use aws-dynamodb-scala in your code.
// for local environment
implicit val db = DynamoDB.local()
// for AWS environment
implicit val db = DynamoDB.apply(accessKeyId = "xxx", secretAccessKey = "xxx")
Create table definition as below:
object Members extends DynamoTable {
protected val table = "members"
val id = DynamoHashKey[Int]("id")
val country = DynamoRangeKey[String]("country")
val name = DynamoAttribute[String]("name")
val age = DynamoAttribute[Int]("age")
val company = DynamoAttribute[String]("company")
// Case class is optional
case class Member(
val id: Int,
val country: String,
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val company: Option[String]
// Put by case class
Members.put(Member(1, "Japan", "Naoki Takezoe", 30, Some("BizReach")))
// Update only specified properties
Members.putAttributes(1, "Japan"){ t => -> "Takako Shimamoto" :: t.age -> 25 :: Nil
// Query with case class mapping
val list: Seq[Member] = Members.query.keyConditions { t => -> Condition.eq(1) :: -> Condition.eq("Japan") :: Nil
// Query with manual mapping
val list: Seq[(String, Int)] = Members.query
.keyCondition( -> Condition.eq(1))
.keyCondition( -> Condition.eq("Japan"))
.map { (t, x) =>
(x.get(, x.get(t.age))