This repository contains build scripts and XML files to handle using some of the MacOS backgrounds as GNOME backgrounds.
For more information about GNOME Backgrounds, see the upstream repository at
Note that for all of these distros, the gnome-shell
must be version 43.0 or above. If you need versions for 42.0, see older tags.
$ gnome-shell --version
gnome-backgrounds-macos is available in the AUR. The VCS version is also available.
Install using your favorite AUR helper, e.g.,
$ yay -S gnome-backgrounds-macos
You may also install manually using makepkg to build from the AUR directly (not recommended).
# pacman -S --needed git base-devel
$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd gnome-backgrounds-macos
$ makepkg -s --asdeps
# pacman -U gnome-backgrounds-macos-*-any.pkg.tar.zst
Manjaro users: You can install using pamac (aka Add/Remove Software).
$ pamac build gnome-backgrounds-macos
This package should theoretically work on any Linux distribution with GNOME installed. If you'd like support added for your distribution, please open a new issue, after ensuring that nobody else has already requested that distro. If you are a maintainer for a distribution, please don't hesitate to add this package! Alternatively, build and install from the source directly (see below).
After installation, open up the GNOME settings application (aka gnome-control-center
) and navigate to the Appearance tab. The backgrounds should appear, along with the default GNOME backgrounds, assuming they are installed.
(v0.50.0 or above)ninja
linked toninja
Building from the source is easy! Due to copyright limitations, MacOS wallpapers are not contained in this repository and are downloaded from a third party source during build. A script is provided to perform this download.
$ ./
$ meson setup build
$ ninja -C build
Install without a package manager after building from source (not recommended).
# DESTDIR='/' ninja -C build install
I hope to soon provide support for installing on a per-user basis.
To further MacOS-ize your GNOME desktop, consider adding a MacOS-like GTK them and icon theme.
GNOME Backgrounds MacOS uses semantic versioning with a couple tweaks. The first two numbers, major and minor versions, match the corresponding version of GNOME Backgrounds. The patch version, if any, mark adjustments to this repository specifically, independent of GNOME Backgrounds upstream.
See for details.