This tool was created to help you setup your environment for development. It will install the following languages:
- Python
- JavaScript (Node)
- Java
- C++
The following tools:
- Homebrew (Mac) / Chocolatey (Windows)
- Git
- VSCode
The Interactive mode will ask you which languages you want to install. It will also ask you if you want to install the tools. This is reccomended for beginners.
The Pro mode is for advanced users, who would like more freedom in what they want to install.
bash <(curl -fsSL
Please run this in an elevated PowerShell prompt (Run as Administrator)
iex (iwr -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content
bash <(curl -fsSL
Homebrew is a package manager for Mac. It will allow you to install packages from the command line.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Git is a version control system. It will allow you to keep track of your code changes.
brew install git
VSCode is a code editor. It will allow you to write code.
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
Python is useful for many different coding applications, starting from basic web dev to complex ML.
brew install python
Node is a JavaScript runtime. It will allow you to run JavaScript code.
brew install node
Java is another basic programming language. Its not as easy to use as Python or Javascript, but it is very powerful.
brew install java
C++ is a low level programming language. It is very powerful, but also very difficult to use.
brew install gcc
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. It will allow you to install packages from the command line.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
Git is a version control system. It will allow you to keep track of your code changes.
choco install git
VSCode is a code editor. It will allow you to write code.
choco install vscode
Python is useful for many different coding applications, starting from basic web dev to complex ML.
choco install python
Node is a JavaScript runtime. It will allow you to run JavaScript code.
choco install nodejs
Java is another basic programming language. Its not as easy to use as Python or Javascript, but it is very powerful.
choco install jdk8
C++ is a low level programming language. It is very powerful, but also very difficult to use.
choco install mingw
Git is a version control system. It will allow you to keep track of your code changes.
sudo apt install git
VSCode is a code editor. It will allow you to write code.
sudo snap install --classic code
Python is useful for many different coding applications, starting from basic web dev to complex ML.
sudo apt install python3
Node is a JavaScript runtime. It will allow you to run JavaScript code.
sudo apt install nodejs
Java is another basic programming language. Its not as easy to use as Python or Javascript, but it is very powerful.
sudo apt install default-jdk
C++ is a low level programming language. It is very powerful, but also very difficult to use.
sudo apt install build-essential