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Scott Veirs edited this page Oct 10, 2024 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the data cooperative wiki!

Acartia is a decentralized data cooperative designed to share community science observations of marine animal locations, including in real time. Its goals are to catalyze (killer) whale conservation first and ecosystem monitoring second. We welcome your help designing and developing this open source code that demonstrates the ecological, scientific, and societal advantages of web3 technologies.

Recent progress

Quarterly steps forward... relative to our phased development plan in the Acartia README:

  • Next: staging environment; Continuous Integration within acartia repo (fork of TypeHuman/SSEMMI); Acartia data scheme revisions and database clean-up; syncing updates made in Cascadia web app with extant Acartia records; curation of records, including merging duplicates & deletion.
  • Fall 2024: 2 UI from Swinburne and UX/design teams (presented in November)
  • Summer 2024: Major front end improvements in progress by Swinburne dev team (Robert, Tom, Hayden, Daniel, Yeojin, & Tharin) guided by UX/design team (Eurie, Qianyu, Dhruv)
  • Spring 2024: Increased collaboration with UX/design team (Megan, Jill); proposal & initiation of 6-student project via Swinburne University.
  • Winter 2023: Testing of existing integrations (WRAS, ERMA, orca-salmon dashboard, Whale Alert notifications); export and sharing of high-light "tracks" for key species (SRKW transits of Puget Sound, Bigg's, humpback, and grays); UX/design team forms and reports on initial heuristic study.
  • Fall 2023: Data filtering via WhaleAware via a Salish Sea view in the map UI; Orca Network funded by Quiet Sound project to provide real time sightings to WRAS via for second phase; attribution by WRAS for end-users and web site visitors.
  • Summer 2023: Integration with the Whale Report Alert System (WRAS)
  • Spring 2023: Customization of Whale Alert mobile app for prevention of strike by recreational boaters within the Salish Sea, and reduction of underwater noise pollution from boats near whales (funded by the Northwest Fund for the Environment)
  • Winter 2023: Integration of real time data with the ERMA Northwest oil spill response web app; API documentation.
  • Fall 2022: Orca Network funded by Quiet Sound project to provide real time sightings to WRAS via for 6-month test; Orcasound integration with Acartia begins during Microsoft Hackathon with mapping acoustic detections and moderation into the Acartia data scheme.
  • Summer 2022: Orca Network and Beam Reach beta-test Cascadia web app and Whale/Ocean Alert mobile apps as input devices
  • Spring 2022: Community Science & the Acartia data cooperative: session at the 2022 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (YouTube video) Chaired by Dr. Val Veirs of Beam Reach and Professor Emeritus of Physics and Environmental Science at Colorado College.

Video overview: 2022 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference

Watch the video

TABLE OF CONTENTS Start times for each speaker and section of the panel discussion

00:00:14 Intro by Val Veirs

00:02:33 Panelist introductions

00:05:22 Susan Berta, Orca Network / Langley Whale Center -- “Orca Network’s Whale Sighting Network: benefits of a real-time sighting network empowering community science”

00:23:39 Scott Veirs, -- “Orcasound: open source code to listen live to the Salish Sea and conserve Southern Resident killer whales”

00:31:07 Maria Baron Palamar, Resolve Conservation -- “Is sound worth a thousand words? How listening to whale vocalizations (and songs) affect people's behavior towards conservation”

00:41:34 Virgil Zetterlind, -- “Whale Alert: Empowering the Public to Help Whales Through Awareness, Compliance, and Sightings”

00:51:46 Scott Veirs for Nick Byrne, Peter Ince, and Ali Alaydrus, TypeHuman -- “ a distributed data cooperative for sharing animal location data across the Salish Sea, from orcas to zooplankton” ( deck | PDF deck)

01:05:15 Discussion for ~25 minutes