Seldon V2 APIs provide a state of the art solution for machine learning inference which can be run locally on a laptop as well as on Kubernetes for production.
- A single platform for inference of wide range of standard and custom artifacts.
- Deploy locally in Docker during development and testing of models.
- Deploy at scale on Kubernetes for production.
- Deploy single models to multi-step pipelines.
- Save infrastructure costs by deploying multiple models transparently in inference servers.
- Overcommit on resources to deploy more models than available memory.
- Dynamically extended models with pipelines with a data-centric perspective backed by Kafka.
- Explain individual models and pipelines with state of the art explanation techniques.
- Deploy drift and outlier detectors alongside models.
- Kubernetes Service mesh agnostic - use the service mesh of your choice.
These features are influenced by our position paper on the next generation of ML model serving frameworks:
Title: Desiderata for next generation of ML model serving
Workshop: Challenges in deploying and monitoring ML systems workshop - NeurIPS 2022
Deploy via Docker Compose
make deploy-local
make undeploy-local
Install Seldon ansible collection
pip install ansible openshift docker passlib
ansible-galaxy collection install git+
Create a KinD cluster and install dependencies:
cd ansible
ansible-playbook playbooks/kind-cluster.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/setup-ecosystem.yaml
Deploy Seldon Core v2
cd ..
make deploy-k8s
Undeploy Seldon Core v2
make undeploy-k8s