Proof of Concept goals:
- one server per workspace/project
- multiple simultaneous clients
- 2-way client-server protocol, in messagepack lightweight format
- per-task in-memory locking (since there is 1 singleton server)
- subprocesseses are run by client to have terminal available, but still using server speed to compile etc.
- watch mode with a subprocess works nicely
Comparison of how JVM build tool daemons handle interactive processes:
Spolier: poorly
- reload server config automatically when its config file changes
- restart server automatically when its JVM config file changes
- handle server/client disconnects gracefully
./mill server.assembly
java -jar ./out/server/assembly.dest/out.jar
Both JVM and ScalaNative work.
./mill client.jvm.assembly
java -jar ./out/client/jvm/assembly.dest/out.jar -c noop
./mill show client.native.nativeLink
./out/client/native/nativeLink.dest/out.exe -c noop
It will start the server if needed (if it can't connect).
Note that it is not launching the server as a detached/daemon process yet..
java -jar ./out/client/jvm/assembly.dest/out.jar -c task
Could not connect to server. Starting a new one...
If 2 clients run the same task, it will be done with an in-memory lock being held.
This is output from the client2 (while client1 was already running the task):
> java -jar ./out/client/jvm/assembly.dest/out.jar -c task1
[server] Task lock busy, waiting for it to be released...
[server] Task lock busy, waiting for it to be released...
[server] Task lock busy, waiting for it to be released...
[server] Working on task 'task1' ...
There are a few commands implemented:
, prints the version (no server interaction at all)noop
, does nothing on server, just sends back a "done" commandsubprocess
, tells the client to run a subprocess (not interactive)interactiveSubprocess
, tells the client to run a subprocess (interactive, requires input from user)-w interactiveSubprocess
, tells the client to run an interactive subprocess in watch mode, watching "example_project" filestask1
, runs a slow task, so you can test the task-level locking behaviortask2
, same astask1
, but using a different lock, so they can run independentlyshutdown
, stops the server
PS D:\projects\sake\mill-client-server-poc> hyperfine "java -jar out\client\jvm\assembly.dest\out.jar -c noop"
Benchmark 1: java -jar out\client\jvm\assembly.dest\out.jar -c noop
Time (mean ± σ): 323.0 ms ± 10.8 ms [User: 47.8 ms, System: 11.9 ms]
Range (min … max): 305.7 ms … 346.4 ms 10 runs
# vs native
PS D:\projects\sake\mill-client-server-poc> hyperfine "out\client\native\nativeLink.dest\out.exe -c noop"
Benchmark 1: out\client\native\nativeLink.dest\out.exe -c noop
Time (mean ± σ): 37.8 ms ± 5.5 ms [User: 1.9 ms, System: 1.8 ms]
Range (min … max): 27.1 ms … 53.4 ms 59 runs
Note these are ran on Windows, you can see the GitHub Actions logs for Linux version.