Made in our free time with Gatsby. Based on Vagr9K/gatsby-advanced-starter
with a huge amount of improvements.
It is built with the JAMStack, which means it's static files enhanced with some JavaScript here and there. Our files are then hosted on Netlify, which really pairs well with Gatsby and the open-source ecosystem.
See yaml files in ./data/
- an event is added as a .yml file in
- authors are in
- locations are in
Make sure the Authors and Locations have the necessary models before creating a new event.
Example PR adding an event: #15
We use NodeJS version 18. You can use NVM or Volta or any other NodeJS version manager to install it.
Install the project:
git clone saglacio
cd saglacio
# Install the dependencies
npm i
# Start the development server
npm start
To ease the development, there are some tools already installed.
An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL data available in our Gatsby setup.
While the development server is started (with the previous command), the IDE should be available at:
Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular.
Since we're developing the website with React components, a Storybook app is available in development:
# Run this in another shell in parallel with the dev server
npm run storybook
Then, it should automatically navigate to http://localhost:6006/
Otherwise, it's always available on the public website under
The plugin is configured. Just run
npm run analyze
Then it should automatically open the browser page.
- Emile Bergeron (@emileber)
- Gabriel Le Breton (@gableroux)
- Raphaël Côté (@qwertyuu)
- Jean-Philippe Boily (@jipiboily)
- You? :)