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Evgeny Demchenko edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Safe Refuge data automation team wiki!


The data automation team aims to mine, clean and import as many high-quality points of interest as possible into the Safe Refuge app and have it ready for validation.


  • Transform data into a format suitable for ingestion
  • Enhance data:
    • Geocoding and reverse geocoding
    • Translation
    • Cleaning
    • Deduplication
    • Validation
  • Web scraping:
    • Create spiders for various data sources



Our process is very light and agile, we create Issues in our open source repository and contributors pick them up in a self-serve fashion ("pull" mode).

We track progress on a Kanban board.

For now, we only have two Milestones: MVP and Post-MVP. Once we launch the MVP of the app we should create more granular future milestones.

We don't assign any dates for the milestones but we understand that other projects, such as app development, depend on us so we make sure that any Must Have items have to be done before the app is scheduled to be released.


We work closely with the Data Validation and Back-end Development teams to make sure we keep things in the correct format, map to the proper categories, etc.

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