A library to configure the ESP8266 wifi network using an Android application in the same way Google do with Chromecast.
- the library attempt to connect to the given target network.
- if it timeout, the library start a network (called connector network) and wait until it receive new credential via udp packet.
- the library support 3 type of message in upd packet : "ssid:(ssid of target network)", "pass:(passphrase of target network)" and "request:(custom value)".
- this library doesn't save the credential; it's up to you to save it in the connection callback. See exemple.
- this library doesn't restart connector network when the target network is lost. (future improvement)
You can install through the Arduino Library Manager or copie/paste files under arduino/src/ folders.
You can compile and install the demo application or download it on Google play:
This is the network create by library to wait credential of target network. The default value is : SSID = "esp8226_wificonnector_network" PassPhrase = "wificonnector_1234"
Whatever the conenctor network is hidden. Default value True.
The ip and port the library will waiting for UDP packet. Default is port 4120.
The credential to connect to the target network. See NetworkConfig struct in the example projet.
The time that the library attenmpt to connect to the target network. After this delay, the ConnectionFailureCallback will be call.
Called when a connection to the target network is make. You should save the credential. See example projet.
Called when no connection is make with the target network.
Call when the Android application send identification request. The ESP8266 should be blink a led to physically identify itself.
The wifi network create by the library in order to configure target network (receive target network credential)
The network on which the user want his ESP8266 connect.