This is a sets of preconfigured lsp settings for yegappan/lsp client.
- Setup some common keybindings (see
:h lsp-settings-buffer-mappings
) - Preconfigured lsp settings with ability to easily ovverride settings when need it
- Pulls directly from nvim-lspconfig for keeping default configuration up to date and sensible
" Vim plug
Plug 'saccarosium/yegappan-lsp-settings'
" Minpac
call minpac#add('saccarosium/yegappan-lsp-settings')
Every language server configuration is exposed to the user as a function with
optional configuration overwriting. To see a list of available servers read :h lsp-settings-server-list
or visit nvim-lspconfig repo.
function! s:lsp_init() abort
call lsp_settings#Clangd()
" Overwrite `lsp-cfg-filetype` to only run on c files (see `:h lsp-configuration`)
" call lsp_settings#Clangd({ 'filetype': ['c'] })
augroup lsp
au User LspSetup call s:lsp_init()
augroup end