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Command-line standalone Part-Of-Speech Tagger

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Golang Part Of Speech Tagger

Golang (GO) Parts Of Speech Tagger (POST) Hence: GOalPOST


This tool will perform Part of Speech Tagging on a block of text. As an example the sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog who worked for the corrupt CDC and FDA. is processed by the tool to identify all the Nouns, Proper nouns, Verbs, even organizations, emojis, people, and email addresses. It then outputs the following:

The ;  DT ;  O  <---- DT == Determinant
quick ;  JJ ;  O <---- JJ == Adjective
brown ;  NN ;  O <---- NN == Noun
fox ;  NN ;  O <---- NN == Noun
jumps ;  VBZ ;  <---- VBZ == Verb, Third Person Singular
over ;  IN ;  O <--- IN == Conjunction or Preposition
FDA ;  GPE    <---- GPE == Geographical or Political Entity.

This is a smaller part of a broader project which originally used Python NLTK, but I wanted it as a standalone, cross-platform, highly portable tool.

This tool uses Penn-Treebank format ( A list of tags used to identify the parts of speech is in a Key at the bottom of this document.

Use Cases


This tool does not require any other libraries. It was designed to be highly portable and cross-platform. Precompiled binaries are available in bin/


Precompiled binares are in bin/ but if you wanna build it from in the directory just do: go build goalpost or make or if you want to make all the distribution: make all

there is also make windows, make x86 (linux), make osx, make arm-osx, and othersjust have a look at the Makefile for all of them.

Supported Platforms

OS Arch Supported? Download Link
Windows x86 🗸 bin/goalpost.exe
Linux x86 🗸 bin/goalpost
Linux ARM 🗸 bin/goalpost-arm
Linux MIPS 🗸 bin/goalpost-mips
Linux MIPS (le) 🗸 bin/goalpost-mips-le
Linux MIPS (sf) 🗸 bin/goalpost-mips-sf
OSX ARM 🗸 bin/goalpost-osxarm
OSX x86 🗸 bin/goalpost-osx
Android ARM 🗸 bin/goalpost-android
Android APK bundle 🗸 (coming)
Apple iOS (arm) built but not on App Store NA
JS/WebAssembly 𐄂 NA

Example Usage:

This tool will print human-readable form when it recieves input via pipe.

$ ./bin/goalpost --help        
Usage of ./bin/goalpost:
  -f string
    	File to perform Part-Of-Speech-Tagging (PoST) on. (default "./file.txt")
$ cat test.txt | ./bin/goalpost
	 [+] STDIN input found, using it instead of file argument.
******************* TOKENIZED/TAGGED TEXT ******************
--- Format is: Text; Tag; Label ---
The ;  DT ;  O
quick ;  JJ ;  O
brown ;  NN ;  O

It will write the output to a file when the -f option is used.

$ ./bin/goalpost -f ./example_text.txt 
	 [+] No input found on STDIN, using filename argument instead
		 [+] filename: ./example_text.txt
		 [+] Running PoST on: example_text.txt
	 [+] Writing PoST to:  ./example_text.txt.goalpost_json-1918462
	 [+] Tagged this many items:  134

Developer Notes:

Unlike NLTK this tool is meant to be portable. One side-effect is that it does not use a corpus kept on the local disk which helps it to eliminate false-positives. So there will be some. But what is gained in portability/ease-of-use far outweighs this.

Output File Format:

When goalpost receives file as input it does not print anything to the screen it will simply write the analyzed output json file to disk. Example:

$ ./goalpost -f test.txt      
	 [+] No input found on STDIN, using filename argument instead
		 [+] filename: test.txt
		 [+] Running PoST on: test.txt

         [+] Writing PoST to:  ./test.txt.goalpost_json-2324552945
	 [+] Tagged this many items:  19

The contents of ./test.txt.goalpost_json-2324552945 is

    "GPE": [
            "Label": "GPE",
            "Tag": "",
            "Text": "FDA"
    "Text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog who worked for the corrupt CDC and FDA.",
    "Tokens": [
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "DT",
            "Text": "The"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "JJ",
            "Text": "quick"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "NN",
            "Text": "brown"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "NN",
            "Text": "fox"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "VBZ",
            "Text": "jumps"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "IN",
            "Text": "over"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "DT",
            "Text": "the"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "JJ",
            "Text": "lazy"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "NN",
            "Text": "dog"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "WP",
            "Text": "who"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "VBD",
            "Text": "worked"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "IN",
            "Text": "for"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "DT",
            "Text": "the"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "JJ",
            "Text": "corrupt"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "NNP",
            "Text": "CDC"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": "CC",
            "Text": "and"
            "Label": "B-GPE",
            "Tag": "NNP",
            "Text": "FDA"
            "Label": "O",
            "Tag": ".",
            "Text": "."

Token/Tag Key:

( left round bracket
) right round bracket
, comma
: colon
. period
'' closing quotation mark
`` opening quotation mark
# number sign
$ currency
CC conjunction, coordinating
CD cardinal number
DT determiner
EX existential there
FW foreign word
IN conjunction, subordinating or preposition
JJ adjective
JJR adjective, comparative
JJS adjective, superlative
LS list item marker
MD verb, modal auxiliary
NN noun, singular or mass
NNP noun, proper singular
NNPS noun, proper plural
NNS noun, plural
PDT predeterminer
POS possessive ending
PRP pronoun, personal
PRP$ pronoun, possessive
RB adverb
RBR adverb, comparative
RBS adverb, superlative
RP adverb, particle
SYM symbol
TO infinitival to
UH interjection
VB verb, base form
VBD verb, past tense
VBG verb, gerund or present participle
VBN verb, past participle
VBP verb, non-3rd person singular present
VBZ verb, 3rd person singular present
WDT wh-determiner
WP wh-pronoun, personal
WP$ wh-pronoun, possessive
WRB wh-adverb


Command-line standalone Part-Of-Speech Tagger






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