I blog on software and ham radio via Gists.
If you're an amateur radio operator, please read my post on ham radio software.
LinkedIn | Instagram | QRZ | Parks On The Air | OpenStreetMap | Mastodon
I blog on software and ham radio via Gists.
If you're an amateur radio operator, please read my post on ham radio software.
LinkedIn | Instagram | QRZ | Parks On The Air | OpenStreetMap | Mastodon
# Thoughts on Ham Radio Software
### Introduction
I wanted to take some time to discuss my thoughts on amateur radio software. I've noticed a few troubling patterns that I worry may hinder development and adoption of particular applications and protocols. Particularly, I wanted to share my philosophy of adopting open source ham radio applications at all costs, ensuring the tools I train on, and recommend, can live on.
# QRP and Hiking Loadout in 2023
### Introduction
I try to change my loadout when I find a better configuration or change my operating style. This happens pretty frequently and it appears that I may publish my loadout annually. The major changes this year have been using Winlink and moving to Southern California.
# Amateur Radio Linux Machine Provisioning
**IN PROGRESS** - Still working out a few bugs and filling in a few details
These are some notes I use for configuring my amateur radio Linux machines. The base operating system is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This is not a comprehensive guide, just a quick reference for myself and others to install commonly used amateur radio applications on a Linux machine. Please don't blindly copy and paste these into your terminal without understanding what they do. I will include links in the reference section for more detailed newbie instructions.