gpsr-update checks for software updates. First of all, it is meant to check for updates for GPS handheld devices. Thanks to its object oriented design it can principally handle GPSr from different manufacturers like Garmin or Magellan. Additionally, by defining "virtual GPSr" it can check also for software updates for non-hardware. This can be used to check for the existence of updates for e.g. GSAK or other stuff.
If new updates are available, an appropriate notification is send to twitter. In addition, this update found is stored into an XML file. This way, the script can remember all the updates found in the past for which no notification is needed when the script is called in the future.
This script can be extended basically by adding appropriate packages.
This work wouldn't be possible without the previous work of others. The basic functionality I copied from a bash script called "getgmn". The author is called "Paul". The script can be found here:
I developed the script on a Linux machine (Fedora Core 18). Without modifications, it may not run on other operating systems.
- Perl modules
You need the following Perl modules available from CPAN: Try::Tiny XML::Smart; LWP::UserAgent; HTTP::Request::Common; Getopt::Long; Config::Simple; Net::Twitter;
- Installation of Perl script
Simply copy at, config.xml and lib/* on your hard drive. If needed, make changes to config.xml.
- Registration of application at Twitter
To connect the application to a Twitter account you first have to register the application. After that you have to grant access to your Twitter account. For the latter part you find a Perl script in the tools/ directory. Simply follow the instructions described here: [--nolog] [--testmode] [--conf="config.xml"]
--nolog Disable log output. Default is log output. --testmode In test mode Twitter notifications are suppressed and no changes are made to the configuration files (updates found). Default is testmode off. --conf Specify the configuration file. Default is file "config.xml" in same directory as the script.