funnel ndjson into an pre-existing object.
It sometime is nice to output a large ndjson stream into an actual json object.
example make a rows array in an existing template object:
echo '{"results":{"ok": true}}' > template.json
cat something.csv | csv-parser | ndjson-funnel template.json results.rows > final.json
cat final.json
where final.json will look like
"results": {
"ok": true,
"rows": [
{"a": true},
{"b": false}
npm i ndjson-funnel -g
cat file.json | ndjson-funnel <template.json> <jsonpath> [spacing]
- template.json is the base json file
- jsonpath is the path to add the ndjson rows
- spacing is optional, and if provided, tells JSON.stringify the output spacing
npm install ndjson-funnel
var ndjson-funnel = require('ndjson-funnel')