A Python script to fetch user profile information from Sololearn.
- Retrieve detailed user information including:
- User ID, name, avatar, and bio.
- User's registration date and country code.
- Access level, badges, and XP progress.
- Follower and following count.
- Track progress for courses a user is enrolled in:
- Course name, icon, and completion status.
- Last progress update and percentage completed.
- Access earned certificates with details:
- Certificate name, associated course, and start date.
- Downloadable links for PDF and PNG formats.
- Shareable URLs for showcasing achievements.
- View user-created code projects with:
- Programming language used.
- Public visibility and last modified date.
- Unique public IDs for sharing.
- Monitor user goals and progress:
- Target values and current completion levels.
- Daily streak counts and historical streak data.
and more...
Run the script with the profile ID of the user whose data you want to fetch:
python main.py <profile_id>
python main.py 33173273
"userDetails": {
"id": "profileID",
"name": "name",
"email": null,
"avatarUrl": "avatarUrl",
"accessLevel": 0,
"badge": "badge",
"badges": [
"name": "badgeName",
"priority": "badgePriority"
"level": "userLevel",
"xp": "userXP",
"countryCode": "countryCode",
"isPro": "isPro",
"isFirstVisitAfterTrialAsPro": false,
"followers": "followerCount",
"following": "followingCount",
"isFollowing": false,
"bio": "bio",
"registerDate": "registerDate",
"connectedAccounts": [
"connectionId": "connectionID",
"service": "serviceName",
"name": "accountName",
"profileUrl": null,
"isVisible": true,
"syncDate": null,
"avatarUrl": "accountAvatarUrl"
"coursesProgress": [
"courseId": "courseID",
"courseName": "courseName",
"courseIconURL": "courseIconURL",
"courseColor": "courseColor",
"isCompleted": "isCompleted",
"lastProgressDate": "lastProgressDate",
"progress": "progressValue",
"isLearnEngineCourse": "isLearnEngineCourse",
"alias": null,
"statusId": "statusID"
"certificates": [
"courseId": "courseID",
"name": "certificateName",
"courseColor": "courseColor",
"iconURL": "iconURL",
"startDate": "startDate",
"expireDate": null,
"url": "certificatePDFUrl",
"imageUrl": "certificateImageUrl",
"uncompleteUrl": null,
"shareUrl": "shareUrl"
"userGoals": [],
"userStreak": {
"streak": "streakCount",
"streakDate": "streakDate"
"codeCoaches": null,
"userBadges": null,
"userCodes": [
"id": "id",
"publicId": "publicId",
"language": "language",
"name": "name",
"isPublic": "isPublic",
"modifiedDate": "modifiedDate"
"userGoalProgress": [
"id": "id",
"userGoalId": "userGoalId",
"currentValue": "currentValue",
"targetValue": "targetValue",
"localDate": "localDate",
"date": "date"
"userLessonGoals": [
"id": "id",
"userId": "userId",
"goalType": "goalType1",
"goalValue": "goalValue",
"origin": "origin",
"localDate": "localDate",
"date": "date"
"userDailyStreak": {
"dailyStreakCount": "dailyStreakCount",
"dailyStreaks": [
"status": "dailyStreakStatus"
"groupSubscription": null
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have ideas or fixes.
If you find this script useful and want to support my caffeine addiction, please consider buying me a coffee! ☕😁