A python library for interacting with the Algorand network.
Run $ pip3 install py-algorand-sdk
to install the package.
Alternatively, choose a distribution file, and run $ pip3 install [file name]
Run tests with make docker-test
Here's a simple example you can run without a node.
from algosdk import account, encoding
# generate an account
private_key, address = account.generate_account()
print("Private key:", private_key)
print("Address:", address)
# check if the address is valid
if encoding.is_valid_address(address):
print("The address is valid!")
print("The address is invalid.")
Follow the instructions in Algorand's developer resources to install a node on your computer.
Before running example.py, start kmd:
$ ./goal kmd start -d [data directory]
Next, create a wallet and an account:
$ ./goal wallet new [wallet name] -d [data directory]
$ ./goal account new -d [data directory] -w [wallet name]
Visit the Algorand dispenser and enter the account address to fund your account.
Next, in params.py, either update the tokens and addresses, or provide a path to the data directory.
You're now ready to run example.py!
Instead of always having to keep track of handles, IDs, and passwords for wallets, create a Wallet object to manage everything for you.
import params
from algosdk import kmd
from algosdk.wallet import Wallet
# create a kmd client
kcl = kmd.KMDClient(params.kmd_token, params.kmd_address)
# create a wallet object
wallet = Wallet("wallet_name", "wallet_password", kcl)
# get wallet information
info = wallet.info()
print("Wallet name:", info["wallet"]["name"])
# create an account
address = wallet.generate_key()
print("New account:", address)
# delete the account
delete = wallet.delete_key(address)
print("Account deleted:", delete)
import params
from algosdk import kmd, mnemonic
from algosdk.wallet import Wallet
# create a kmd client
kcl = kmd.KMDClient(params.kmd_token, params.kmd_address)
# create a wallet object
wallet = Wallet("wallet_name", "wallet_password", kcl)
# get the wallet's master derivation key
mdk = wallet.export_master_derivation_key()
print("Master Derivation Key:", mdk)
# get the backup phrase
backup = mnemonic.from_master_derivation_key(mdk)
print("Wallet backup phrase:", backup)
You can also back up accounts using mnemonic.from_private_key().
import params
from algosdk import kmd, mnemonic
# get the master derivation key from the mnemonic
backup = "such chapter crane ugly uncover fun kitten duty culture giant skirt reunion pizza pill web monster upon dolphin aunt close marble dune kangaroo ability merit"
mdk = mnemonic.to_master_derivation_key(backup)
# create a kmd client
kcl = kmd.KMDClient(params.kmd_token, params.kmd_address)
# recover the wallet by passing mdk when creating a wallet
kcl.create_wallet("wallet_name", "wallet_password", master_deriv_key=mdk)
You can also recover accounts using mnemonic.to_private_key().
If you don't want to send your transactions now, you can write them to file. This works with both signed and unsigned transactions.
import params
from algosdk import algod, kmd
from algosdk.future import transaction
sender = "sender_address"
receiver = "receiver_address"
# create an algod and kmd client
acl = algod.AlgodClient(params.algod_token, params.algod_address)
kcl = kmd.KMDClient(params.kmd_token, params.kmd_address)
# get suggested parameters
sp = acl.suggested_params()
# create a transaction
amount = 10000
txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender, sp, receiver, amount)
# write to file
txns = [txn]
transaction.write_to_file([txn], "pathtofile.tx")
We can also read transactions after writing them to file.
# read from file
read_txns = transaction.retrieve_from_file("pathtofile.tx")
import params
from algosdk import account, algod, encoding
from algosdk.future import transaction
acl = algod.AlgodClient(params.algod_token, params.algod_address)
# generate three accounts
private_key_1, account_1 = account.generate_account()
private_key_2, account_2 = account.generate_account()
private_key_3, account_3 = account.generate_account()
# create a multisig account
version = 1 # multisig version
threshold = 2 # how many signatures are necessary
msig = transaction.Multisig(version, threshold, [account_1, account_2])
# get suggested parameters
sp = acl.suggested_params()
# create a transaction
sender = msig.address()
amount = 10000
txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender, sp, account_3, amount)
# create a SignedTransaction object
mtx = transaction.MultisigTransaction(txn, msig)
# sign the transaction
# print encoded transaction
We can put things in the "note" field of a transaction; here's an example with an auction bid. Note that you can put any bytes you want in the "note" field; you don't have to use the NoteField object.
from algosdk import algod, mnemonic, account
from algosdk.future import transaction
passphrase = "teach chat health avocado broken avocado trick adapt parade witness damp gift behave harbor maze truth figure below scatter taste slow sustain aspect absorb nuclear"
acl = algod.AlgodClient("API-TOKEN", "API-Address")
# convert passphrase to secret key
sk = mnemonic.to_private_key(passphrase)
# get suggested parameters
sp = acl.suggested_params()
# Set other parameters
amount = 100000
note = "Some Text".encode()
receiver = "receiver Algorand Address"
# create the transaction
txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(account.address_from_private_key(sk), sp, receiver, amount, note=note)
# sign it
stx = txn.sign(sk)
# send it
txid = acl.send_transaction(stx)
We can also get the NoteField object back from its bytes:
# decode notefield
decoded = encoding.msgpack_decode(base64.b64encode(note_field_bytes))
import params
from algosdk import algod, kmd
from algosdk.future import transaction
private_key_sender, sender = account.generate_account()
private_key_receiver, receiver = account.generate_account()
# create an algod and kmd client
acl = algod.AlgodClient(params.algod_token, params.algod_address)
kcl = kmd.KMDClient(params.kmd_token, params.kmd_address)
# get suggested parameters
sp = acl.suggested_params()
# create a transaction
amount = 10000
txn1 = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender, sp, receiver, amount)
txn2 = transaction.PaymentTxn(receiver, sp, sender, amount)
# get group id and assign it to transactions
gid = transaction.calculate_group_id([txn1, txn2])
txn1.transaction.group = gid
txn2.transaction.group = gid
# sign transactions
stxn1 = txn1.sign(private_key_sender)
stxn2 = txn2.sign(private_key_receiver)
# send them over network
acl.send_transactions([stxn1, stxn2])
Example below creates a LogicSig transaction signed by a program that never approves the transfer.
import params
from algosdk import algod
from algosdk.future import transaction
program = b"\x01\x20\x01\x00\x22" # int 0
lsig = transaction.LogicSig(program)
sender = lsig.address()
# create an algod client
acl = algod.AlgodClient(params.algod_token, params.algod_address)
# get suggested parameters
sp = acl.suggested_params()
# create a transaction
amount = 10000
txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender, sp, receiver, amount)
# note, transaction is signed by logic only (no delegation)
# that means sender address must match to program hash
lstx = transaction.LogicSigTransaction(txn, lsig)
assert lstx.verify()
# send them over network
Assets can be managed by sending three types of transactions: AssetConfigTxn, AssetFreezeTxn, and AssetTransferTxn. Shown below are examples of how to use these transactions.
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
private_key, address = account.generate_account() # creator
_, freeze = account.generate_account() # account that can freeze other accounts for this asset
_, manager = account.generate_account() # account able to update asset configuration
_, clawback = account.generate_account() # account allowed to take this asset from any other account
_, reserve = account.generate_account() # account that holds reserves for this asset
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
total = 100 # how many of this asset there will be
assetname = "assetname"
unitname = "unitname"
url = "website"
metadata = bytes("fACPO4nRgO55j1ndAK3W6Sgc4APkcyFh", "ascii") # should be a 32-byte hash
default_frozen = False # whether accounts should be frozen by default
# create the asset creation transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetConfigTxn(address, sp, total=total, manager=manager,
reserve=reserve, freeze=freeze, clawback=clawback,
unit_name=unitname, asset_name=assetname, url=url,
metadata_hash=metadata, default_frozen=default_frozen)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(private_key)
This transaction must be sent from the manager's account.
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
manager_private_key = "manager private key"
manager_address = "manager address"
_, new_freeze = account.generate_account() # account that can freeze other accounts for this asset
_, new_manager = account.generate_account() # account able to update asset configuration
_, new_clawback = account.generate_account() # account allowed to take this asset from any other account
_, new_reserve = account.generate_account() # account that holds reserves for this asset
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset config transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetConfigTxn(manager_address, sp, manager=new_manager, reserve=new_reserve,
freeze=new_freeze, clawback=new_clawback, index=index)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(manager_private_key)
This transaction must be sent from the creator's account.
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
creator_private_key = "creator private key"
creator_address = "creator address"
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset destroy transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetConfigTxn(creator_address, sp, index=index, strict_empty_address_check=False)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(creator_private_key)
This transaction must be sent from the account specified as the freeze manager for the asset.
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
freeze_private_key = "freeze private key"
freeze_address = "freeze address"
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
freeze_target = "address to be frozen or unfrozen"
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset freeze transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetFreezeTxn(freeze_address, sp, index=index, target=freeze_target,
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(freeze_private_key)
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
sender_private_key = "freeze private key"
sender_address = "freeze address"
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
close_assets_to = "account to close assets to"
receiver = "account to receive assets"
amount = 100 # amount of assets to transfer
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset transfer transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetTransferTxn(sender_address, sp,
receiver, amount, index, close_assets_to)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(sender_private_key)
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
private_key = "freeze private key"
address = "freeze address"
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
receiver = address # to start accepting assets, set receiver to sender
amount = 0 # to start accepting assets, set amount to 0
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset accept transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetTransferTxn(address, sp,
receiver, amount, index)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(private_key)
This transaction must be sent by the asset's clawback manager.
from algosdk import account
from algosdk.future import transaction
clawback_private_key = "clawback private key"
clawback_address = "clawback address"
fee_per_byte = 10
first_valid_round = 1000
last_valid_round = 2000
genesis_hash = "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
receiver = "receiver address" # where to send the revoked assets
target = "revocation target" # address to revoke assets from
amount = 100
index = 1234 # identifying index of the asset
# create the asset transfer transaction
sp = transaction.SuggestedParams(fee_per_byte, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, genesis_hash)
txn = transaction.AssetTransferTxn(clawback_address, sp,
receiver, amount, index, revocation_target=target)
# sign the transaction
signed_txn = txn.sign(clawback_private_key)
To rekey an account to a new address, add the rekey_to
argument to creation.
# After sending rekeying_txn, every transaction needs to be signed by the SK of the following address
rekeying_txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender, sp, receiver, amount, rekey_to=rekey_address)
Documentation for the Python SDK is available at py-algorand-sdk.readthedocs.io.
py-algorand-sdk is licensed under a MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.