💾 RxJS operators and utilities for working with files and file streams locally
This is a private package. It requires setting up access in your npm config.
npm i @rxtk/fs
yarn add @rxtk/fs
Appends a stream of data to a file:
import path from 'path';
import {of} from 'rxjs';
import {appendFile} from 'rxfs';
const data = [
const writeStream$ = of(...data).pipe(
appendFile({filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './output.csv')})
// write the input observable to the file
Streams data from a file as a stream of Buffers.
import path from 'path';
import {fromFile} from '@rxtk/fs';
const csvContentAsBuffer$ = fromFile({
filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './my-csv.csv'),
// "name","scariness"
// "Blackbeard",10
// "Morgan",9
// "Sparrow",2
// "Crunch",1
Takes a stream of Buffer objects and ensures that they are shortened to the desired size, while preserving order/sequence. Useful, for example, if you want to control the size of a file upload.
import path from 'path';
import {fromFile,shortenChunks} from '@rxtk/fs';
const csvContentAsBuffer$ = fromFile({
filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './my-csv.csv'),
const chunkSize = 512;
const shortenedBuffer$ = fileChunk$.pipe(
Writes data to file (overwriting any previous contents).
import path from 'path';
import {of} from 'rxjs';
import {writeToFile} from '@rxtk/fs';
const data = [
const writeStream$ = of(...data).pipe(
writeToFile({filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './output.csv')})
// write the input observable to the file