Moment Tensor Inversion of regional earthquakes by grid-searching the double-couple space, following Schippkus et al. 2019
Pyseistr is a python package for structural denoising and interpolation of multi-channel seismic data.
Repository for our paper "AbuseAnalyzer: Abuse Detection, Severity and Target Prediction for Gab Posts"
Official GitHub repository for MRST - the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox
A Python package for subspace detection and waveform similarity clustering
3D seismic modelling, FWI and RTM code for wave propagation in isotropic (visco)-acoustic/elastic and anisotropic orthorhombic/triclinic elastic media
Methods to simulate propagation of infrasound in the limit of geometric acoustics
Minimalist LaTeX template for academic papers
Self-hostable alternative to Google Location History (Google Maps Timeline)
SPECFEM++ is a complete re-write of SPECFEM suite of packages (SPECFEM2D, SPECFEM3D, SPECFEM3D_GLOBE) using C++
a friendly introduction to reading and working with DAS data
Python wrappers for the CPS and Rftn libraries for layered models in seismology
Learning in infinite dimension with neural operators.
Fork of E3SM used to develop exascale global atmosphere model written in C++ (aka SCREAM)
malteschade / PINNs
Forked from maziarraissi/PINNsPhysics Informed Deep Learning: Data-driven Solutions and Discovery of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
riddl (robust infrasound detection via deep learning) - machine learning tools to analyze infrasound data.
Various array processing tools for infrasound and seismic data
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring(臺灣即時地震監測)
SEISGEN is a python package to acquire and generate the Greens function and synthetic waveform from the stored receiver-side 3D database including the Strain Greens Tensor (SGT) database and the (d…
Earthquake source parameters from P- and S-wave displacement spectra
SPectral element based EARthquake cycle simulator
Numba-accelerated computation of surface wave dispersion