This is a Grails 3.0.x app that demonstrates all the functionality of Speechlets/Skills, OAuth2 Account Linking, and Spring Social integration with Twitter To get this working you'll need to do the following steps:
Lee Fox @foxinatx Ryan Vanderwerf @RyanVanderwerf
To start using this app you'll need to set up a few things:
- Create a twitter account
- Login to twitter apps management ( and make yourself a developer
- Click on 'Create New App' -> Fill in app name, website, description leave callback url blank
- Go to consumer key -> manage keys and tokens
- Create consumer key and secret if you don't have one
- Fill in these details in file: application.groovy for fallback (if the user doesn't have an account).
##AMAZON Alexa skill / Grails tie together
- Sign up for the Amazon developer program here if you haven't already
- Click on Apps and Services -> Alexa
- Click on Alexa Skill Kit / Get Started -> Add New Skill
- Pick any name and any invocation name you want to start the app on your Echo / Alexa Device
- Copy the contents of src/main/resources/IntentSchema.json into Intent Schema.
- Don't fill in anything for slots
- Under Sample Utterances, copy the contents of the file src/main/resources/SampleUtterances.txt
- Under configuration Copy the url for /twitterAuth/twitter/index for the endpoint for your server (Choose amazon https not ARN). Click next
- Check 'enable account linking'
- For authorization url enter your server name (https) with /twitterAuth/oauth/authorize?response_type=code
- Copy the redirect URL. You'll need that entered into application.groovy
- For client-id, enter the matching value you have in Bootstrap.groovy for the OAUTH2 client-id
- For domain list, enter a domain that matches your SSL cert the oauth tokens will be valid for.
- For scope, use 'read,write' or 'write'
- For authorization grant type select 'implicit'
- Enter the url for the privacy policy on yuor server. It can be any valid web page, a link will show during account linking in the alexa app
- Hit Save
- Click on SSL Certificate.
- if you have a self-signed cert (will only work for DEV mode) paste it here under 'I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format.'
- Hit Save and go to Test page and hit Save
- Go to Privacy and Compliance, and fill out the info there (It's required)
- Copy the application ID on the first tab 'SKILL INFORMATION', and paste that into application.groovy
- Build and deploy your war file to your server
- Go back to the Amazon Developer Console, Alexa, and open the skill you made.
- Click edit and hit next until you are the 'Test' tab. You can test it out there. Make sure there are no errors communicating with the services
- Open your deployed war file. Go to the registration link. Confirm the registration in the email you receive.
- Open the alexa app on your phone or go to in your browser
- Go to Skills-> search for the app name your created (usually towards end of list)
- Click link account - it will take you to your servers login page
- Login to your account. If all is well, it will say account successfully linked
- Go to your deployed war, login with the user created in the step above
- Click on the link twitter account link, enter the keys you set up on twitter at the beginning of the readme.
- You can have one active set of credentials at a time. If you make a new one, it marks it as active and marks others as inactive. You can switch between them quickly for multiple twitter accounts.
- Now try it on your Echo/Alexa device. Say either 'start' or 'open' and the invocation name you gave the app and follow the prompts!
Functions of the app: Say open
- you can say 'search for ' is the number of tweets you want back. If you don't say a number it defaults to 1. Or you can say 'search for '
- 'get my timeline'
- 'get my mentions' or 'get my last mentions
- 'get last tweets' or 'get my latest tweets'
- check the SampleUtterances.txt for all of the latest options
- Ask 'Do you run Groovy?' it wil tell you the groovy version the skill is running on.