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KEVM Testing

anvacaru edited this page May 8, 2019 · 2 revisions


  • You need to be able to build the K framework as detailed here.
  • Installing the required dependencies will need the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installed JDK.
  • Having the evm-semantics git repository cloned locally.


  $ cd evm-semantics
  $ make deps split-tests -B -j2
  $ make build-java -j2
  $ git submodule update --init

Example Usage

After building the definition, you can run the tests using ./kevm. Read the kevm script for more details.

Here is an example showing how to run the add0.json test file using the java backend:

  $ MODE=VMTESTS SCHEDULE=DEFAULT ./kevm run --backend java tests/ethereum-tests/VMTests/vmArithmeticTest/add0.json

Notes: You can also export MODE and SCHEDULE as environment variables to avoid specifying them on every run.

You can run the test using different backends: ocaml|java|haskell|haskell-perf. The preferred backend can be chosen using --backend argument. By default, OCaml is selected.

Run the same file as a test:

  $ ./kevm test tests/ethereum-tests/VMTests/vmArithmeticTest/add0.json

To run proofs, you can similarly use ./kevm. For example, to prove the specification tests/proofs/specs/vyper-erc20/totalSupply-spec.k:

  $ ./kevm prove tests/proofs/specs/vyper-erc20/totalSupply-spec.k

Finally, if you want to debug a given program (by stepping through its execution), you can use the debug option:

  $ ./kevm debug tests/ethereum-tests/VMTests/vmArithmeticTest/add0.json
  KDebug> s
  1 Step(s) Taken.
  KDebug> p
  ... Big Configuration Here ...

Notes: options for KDebug:

Instruction Info
s | step execute one step
s <n> | step <n> execute <n> steps
p | peek print current configuration
r | resume execute all remaining steps
b roll back one step
b <n> roll back <n> steps
j <i> jump to step <i>

Run Options

Normal usage:

  $ ./kevm run            [--backend <backend>] <pgm>   <K args>*
  $ ./kevm search                               <pgm>   <K args>*
  $ ./kevm prove                                <spec>  <K args>*
  • run       Run a single EVM program
  • search Run a program searching for all execution paths
  • prove   Attempt to prove the specification using K's RL prover


  • <pgm>       represents a path to a Ethereum test program
  • <spec>     represents a path to a specification file
  • <K args> are any options you want to pass directly to K like:
    • --debug: output more debugging information when running/proving.
    • --help:   display the help message.

More commands for devs and CI servers:

  $ ./kevm interpret           <pgm>
  $ ./kevm [test|test-profile] [--backend <backend>] <pgm> <output>
  $ ./kevm sort-logs
  $ ./kevm get-failing [<count>]
  • interpret       Run a single EVM program (in JSON testing format) using fast interpreter
  • test                Run a single EVM program like it's a test.
  • test-profile Same as test, but generate list of failing tests and dump timing information
  • sort-logs       Normalize the test logs for CI servers to use
  • get-failing   Return a list of failing tests, at most <count>.


  • <output> is the expected output of the given test.
  • Unlike run, the test command will create a log file at the path .build/logs/<testName>.log. Where <testName> represents the whole given argument (i.e. tests/ethereum-tests/VMTests/vmArithmeticTest/add0.json) This command will also compare the execution output with the content of an expected file. The name of the file must be <testName>.out, otherwise the default expected file will betests/templates/output-success-<backend>.json.