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GW implementation of the simple shapes dataset.



This repository depends on both shimmer and simple-shapes-dataset so make sure that you have access to those repos.

First clone and cd to the downloaded directory.

We use poetry to manage the dependency. Please follow these instructions first to setup your environment.

To install the project and dependencies:

poetry install --sync


The config files are located in the config folder.

You can see all possible config values in the shimmer_ssd/ file. The root is the Config file, and all values from the yaml files are mapped to the corresponding values using pydantic.

We also use some custom code to allow some interpolations, described here:

To load the config, we first try to load script related config (the files given to load_files in load_config), the add local.yaml, then debug.yaml if you start scripts in debug mode. local.yaml is not tracked in github and is used for user-related config options, like paths to dataset and checkpoints.

When running each script, you can adapt the config with the cli by addind as an option. For example, if you want to run with a differend seed: ssd train gw seed=5. For nested values, use . as a separator: ssd train gw "training.max_steps=20".

Some particularly useful ones:

ssd train gw t="my-wandb-run-title" d="And an associated description"


There is no "-" or "--" in front of the arguments. They exactly correspond to the config values. Also, you have to put "=" between the key and the value. This won't work: ssd train gw seed 5

You can change the location of the config folder (particularly useful if you installed this repository using pip) with --config_path.

Training scripts

  • ssd train v: train the image domain module
  • ssd train attr: train the attribute domain module
  • ssd train t: train the text domain module
  • ssd train gw: train a Global Workspace.

All this scripts accept some options:

  • --config_path, -c, path to the folder containing the config files.
  • --debug, -d, whether to start on debug mode.
  • --log_config, will log the exact config object used for the run.
  • --extra_config_files, -e, list of additional config files to load in addition to local.yaml relative to the --config_path (use several -e CONFIG_FILE -e CONFIG_FILE to add several files).

You can also edit any config files from the config folder as argument without the "-" or "--" as explained in the previous section.

Extract visual latent representations

You can extract the visual latent representations of a given checkpoint with:

ssd extract v CHECKPOINT_PATH

Available options:

  • --dataset_path, -p, path to the simple-shapes-dataset (defaults to the config value dataset.pah).
  • --latent_name, -n, name of the latent file to create (default: CHECKPOINT_PATH file with extension ".npy").
  • --config_path, -c, path to the folder containing the config files.
  • --debug, -d, whether to start on debug mode.
  • --log_config, will log the exact config object used for the run.
  • --extra_config_files, -e, list of additional config files to load in addition to local.yaml relative to the --config_path (use several -e CONFIG_FILE -e CONFIG_FILE to add several files).

Migrate old checkpoint


Pretrained checkpoints

Pretrained model weights can be downloaded here:

You can download them using:

ssd download checkpoints