My personal development tools config.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Before copying all configs, you need to install zsh
and oh-my-zsh
. Check out the official website on how to install them
brew update
brew install neovim --HEAD
brew install tmux
brew install ripgrep
brew install rbenv
brew install pyenv
Check NVM official repository on how to install NVM.
NVM Homebrew is not supported so it is recommended to use the installation script.
- Go to nerd-fonts release page
- Find the the latest release of JetBrainsMono, download and install.
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
mkdir ~/.config
mkdir ~/.config/nvim
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/zlogin ~/.zlogin
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/githelpers ~/.githelpers
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/init.lua ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/bashrc ~/.bashrc
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false