A key/value store based on Git.
“Gittin Down to the Plumbing” by Scott Chacon (video2010.scottishrubyconference.com/show_video/11/0)
The gem is available through Rubygems and can be installed via:
$ gem install git_store
sinatra ~> 1.0
sinatra_more ~> 0.3.40
rack-flash ~> 0.1.1
haml ~> 3.0.15
Open a new Git Store:
$ mkdir my_store $ cd my_store $ git_store --port 4567 $ open http://localhost:4567
The Git Store will refuse to open if your current directory already contains a .git folder. But you can force the Git Store to reopen by passing the “–reopen” argument.
$ git_store –port 4567 –reopen
Build for whyday 2010 Explore the code if you like to learn something about git plumbing