Requirements: nodejs, npm, ruby, bower, grunt, bundler
Limitations: this is written assuming you're working using some (apt-based)
Linux distro
If you want to build and edit the site on your own, you'll need to install some dependencies:
sudo apt-get install nodejs ruby ruby-dev imagemagick libmagickwand-dev npm curl
Next, you need to install the website's dependencies. This is done in the website directory. Clone the website and switch to the 'build' branch:
git clone website
cd website
git checkout build
The reason you need to switch to the build
branch is because GitHub, the host
for this website, does not allow people to run custom plugins on their servers.
(It's a security concern.) The plugin in _plugins
pulls all the
files from all our repos and turns them into HTML pages found on the modules
Ruby is used for all the gems you need to use Jekyll to build the site. You can use the default version for your OS.
Now, you'll need to install the bundler gem:
gem install bundler --user-install
Bundler is a gem that allows you to install, manage, and update ruby gems for individual projects. You'll use it to install all the gems used to build the site (see the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files in this repository.)
The above command also makes sure that the bundler installs gems in the local user folder as it can be a pain to use Grunt along with system wide OS gems.
Now, the node packages. The node packages are used for installing bower
. What they are will be explained later. Install the node packages
(bower and grunt-cli):
npm install bower grunt-cli
Bower is a package manager used to install bootstrap and other CSS/JS used to build the website. It differs from NPM is that it does not manage dependencies as a variably-nested tree, like npm. What this means is that all the dependencies will be stored in a simple directory structure that's easy to customize and update.
Grunt is a command-line tool that runs commands set in Gruntfile.js. It's the tool that allows you to build the site, install depencencies, update CSS/JS/Less, etc. fromt the command line. More detail will come later.
Basically, we have to run the plugin, generate the site, and then push the
generated site to GitHub. The build
branch is the branch where all content is
edited, and the master
branch is where the generated content (in the _site
folder) is pushed to GitHub.
Before we run our commands however, we need to tell our shell to use the local version of the commands we installed with npm. add the following to your .bashrc located in your home directory
if which ruby >/dev/null && which gem >/dev/null; then
PATH="$(ruby -r rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH"
After you edit the file, make sure to close your shell and reopen it for the changes to take effect. You only ever have to do this once. for consecutive builds the previous steps can be skipped.
Initialize the site with the files you'll need, update them, and then build the site:
npm install
grunt init
npm install
installs all the node dependencies for the project (grunt,
basically), and once grunt is installed, use it to download all the CSS/JS,
gems etc. used to build the site.
The site should now be hosted on port 4000, so enter the url localhost:4000
in your browser. Grunt will watch the directory and reload the site whenever
there is a change to a file it's watching. The files and directories that grunt
watches are set in Gruntfile.js
What this means is that you can have a page you're working on open in the browser (localhost:4000/path/to/page), open the corresponding source file in a text editor, and whenever you save changes to the file, the page in your browser will automatically get updated. This behavior is biggest reason to go through all the trouble of installing grunt.
To kill grunt, use CTRL+C in the terminal.
All the website files are either Markdown files or plain HTML.
Brief overview of file hierarchy:
- assets/ - used to hold all js, css, fonts, images, and less files
- _posts/ - some of the pages are rended using Jekyll's built-in post system. All pages are categorized as news, faqs, tutorials, papers, or troubleshooting.
- index.html - the home page
- _includes/ - HTML snippets included in files using Liquid-format tags
- _layouts/ - layouts for HTML pages
- _site/ - output of Jekyll HTML generation. It's filled out when you run
- _config.yml - basic config info for the site, like the url, link formats, files to include, etc. Part of Jekyll
- _plugins/ - plugins that extend Jekyll's functionality. The only plugin
pulls the modules from our repo and turns them into site pages. - bower.json - list of dependencies bower handles (Bootstrap, jQuery, Isotope, and datatables)
- package.json - list of dependencies installed by npm (Grunt stuff)
- google... - an empty file needed to verify the google webmaster account.
- Gemfile and Gemfile.lock - list of ruby gems the site depends on. Handled by bundler.
- Gruntfile.js - The file that makes all the magic happen. (It's the config file that grunt uses to run.)
- CNAME - the url of the site
- bower_components/ - all the aforementioned dependencies that bower handles are installed here
The rest of the files I'm sure you can figure out yourself. They're just sources for pages on the site.
You can edit any page on the site you want from whatever text editor you want. Some tips:
- To change site-wide CSS, use the Less files. Less is a CSS preprocessor that
uses editable variables to populate CSS files. Never edit the css files in
because they'll get overwritten whenevergrunt update
is run. - When you save files, grunt detects the change and automatically reloads the site on your localhost.
- Use bootstrap classes to make the site responsive. If you don't know what they are, look them up online.
- Jekyll and its Liquid syntax provide some handy methods to automate sticking in content to pages. The documentation online is pretty good for both. Check them out.
To ease the process of filling out all the YAML metadata, I added a Rakefile that will create and publish pages to the website. To view the available options, run:
Pages make when running rake news|troubleshoot|tutorial|faq|paper
will be
found in the _drafts/
folder. You can manually go to the folder to open files
and edit, or you can use rake edit
to do that for you.
When ready to publish pages, run rake publish
and enter the file name when
prompted. The Rakefile will then move the draft to the appropriate folder.
When you're done editing things, commit your changes and push them to the
branch. If you're ready for your changes to be pushed to the master
branch (i.e. the branch that the world-facing website is built on), run:
grunt deploy
The first time you ever run it, it could fail if you don't have any git or specified globally. Just go to the _site
and run the appropriate git config
commands to edit the info.
What grunt deploy
does is minify all the HTML on the site (i.e. delete
comments and unneeded whitespace) and push to the master branch on GitHub.
The site is designed to have each part of it as self-contained as possible. Each category in the navigation bar points to one page that displays all of the information pertaining to that category. That way, text is not repeated in different sections, ultimately leading to the problem of conflicting instructions that plagued the prior site.
The start of each file contains YAML front matter. It's a Jekyll thing. Every
page needs a title and a layout. The layouts are all stored in _layouts
There are currently four layouts for the site:
: used for every page unless otherwise specified. Theextra_css
allow custom CSS and Javascript to be added to each page without the need for a new layout.docpost.html
: Used for all posts that appear on the Docs page.module.html
: Used for all the module pages.paper.html
: Used for all the papers on the site related to RTXI.
The _includes
folder has some HTML elements that get repeated on lots of
pages, like the footer and navigation bar. You can also store text that gets
repeated a lot here. That way, if you change it, you only need to edit one
place. Use Liquid tags to include the files here.
Most of the pages are straight-forward. The following pages are just straight HTML with a Jekyll header:
- /
- /contact
- /conference
- /install
- /stats
The following is a description of how 'aggregator' pages are put together.
The modules page contains one index.html file that has the tables of all the available modules for RTXI. The text in each module is extracted for all the module pages, which are just the README files and screenshots pulled from the GitHub repository.
If you want to add a new module, make sure a file and a screenshot
called [REPOSITORY_NAME].png is in the base of the repository. When you run
, the pullModules.rb
script will pull all the information and create
the pages. If either file is missing, the script throws and error and ignores
the repository. When you pull modules for the first time, you'll need to run
twice. That's not a Jekyll thing; it's just me being bad at ruby.
In short, to edit this page, edit the files on GitHub.
This page is Javascript madness. All the papers are contained as
markdown-formatted posts in _posts/papers/
. (Each post in here is manually
added. No automation.) The aggregate page then looks through all the papers and
creates the display. The search and sort functionality is enabled by the
Isotope javascript package that bower handles. Isotope is what does the
animations and masonry layouts on the page. All the posts have to have 'papers'
specified in the category.
The Docs page aggregates lots of posts. It doesn't use javascript directly but rather a bunch of Liquid hacks that take advantage of Bootstrap classes.
The first category: Tutorials
It takes the files in _posts/docs/tutorials
and lists them in order of when
they were posted (i.e., the date in the filename). There's a paginator that
will split the list into pages for every 20 (I think) that appear. All posts
that are tutorials have to have category: docs tutorials
specified in the
YAML front matter.
The second: Troubleshooting
Same basically as Troubleshooting. Use category: docs troubleshoot
The third: FAQs
Same as the first two. Only, DO NOT use the title in the markdown file. Just
leave the title in the YAML front matter, and keep it in the form of a
question. The FAQ posts aren't supposed to be accessible. Their content is all
put on the docs page so that people click on a question and see the answer. The
numbering is based on the date the faq post was made. You don't need to touch
the numbering. It's done automatically.