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eg rTorrent

pyroscope edited this page Apr 1, 2018 · 16 revisions


Terminal Interface

Also see

General key combinations

Loading torrents (metafiles)

Enter – Load an item in stopped state (`load.normal`)
Backspace – Load an item started (`load.start`)

Control start / stopped state

^s – Start download item. Runs hash first unless already done.
^d – Stop an active download item, or remove a stopped one.
^k – Stop item and close all files, also set 'ignore commands' flag.

Global throttling

a/s/d – Increase the upload throttle by 1/5/50 KiB.
z/x/c – Decrease the upload throttle by 1/5/50 KiB.
A/S/D – Increase the download throttle by 1/5/50 KiB.
Z/X/C – Decrease the download throttle by 1/5/50 KiB.

Other general keys

up/down – Select an item.
left – Go back to the previous screen.
^o – Set new download directory on a closed item.
^x – Open a prompt for rTorrent commands.
^q – Exit rTorrent (press twice to skip 'stop' tracker announces).

'downloads' panel ('main' and other views)


'info' panels


Errors & Warnings

A tracker returns a HTTP 5xx status page, or a similar HTML response

Tracker: [Could not parse bencoded data]

When trying to load corrupt metafiles

Could not create download, the input is not a valid torrent

Data of an item is changed or removed, after it is marked as complete; recover by pressing ^K ^E ^R, then possibly ^S to re-download.

Download registered as completed, but hash check returned unfinished chunks.

Command Line

Update this example page

wget -O "$HOME/.config/eg/examples/" \

Calling rTorrent with typical options

# Disable any legacy commands, and use an alternative config file
rtorrent -D -K -n -o import=~/rtorent/rtorrent.rc

Loading a metafile from the prompt with a specific data path

# DATADIR is the data directory of a multi-file torrent,
# or holds the data file of single-file one; paths MUST
# be absolute
rtxmlrpc -q load.verbose '' "$PWD/‹DATA›.torrent" \
    "d.directory_base.set=\"‹DATADIR›\"" "d.custom1.set=‹LABEL›"


These are typical snippets that are added after initial configuration. For an initial configuration reference, see below.

Watch directory schedules

# Schedules: UNIQUE name, offset from client start [sec], repeat [sec], "command"
schedule2 = watch_directory_foo, 20, 10, "load.start_verbose=~/watch_foo/*.torrent"
schedule2 = watch_directory_bar, 21, 10, "load.verbose=~/watch_bar/*.torrent"
schedule2 = watch_directory_baz, 22, 10, "load.verbose=~/watch_baz/*.torrent,"

Opening a log file

# log.open_file = "log name", "file path"
log.open_file = "log", (cat,/tmp/rtorrent.log.,(

Adding logging channels

# Levels = critical error warn notice info debug
# Groups = connection_* dht_* peer_* rpc_* storage_* thread_* tracker_* torrent_*
log.add_output = "info", "log"
#log.add_output = "tracker_debug", "log"

Reference Information

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