Jevin Sweval
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer
Previously Apple Pay Security
Lafayette, Indiana
Connor Baker
Nix Engineer and Nix CUDA Maintainer. Interested in formal methods, Haskell, Lean, type & category theory, and computational photography!
Costa Mesa, CA
Guy Van den Broeck
I am an Associate Professor and Samueli Fellow at UCLA, in the Computer Science Department, working on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
UCLA Los Angeles
Anakin Trotter
Software engineer experienced in full stack development and machine learning applications.
UCLA Ling + CS 2024.
UT Austin MSCS 2025.
Los Angeles, CA
nareh agazaryan
aspiring computer scientist and developer of software.
@ucla Los Angeles, California