Getting started with VR-EXP
The easiest way to get started on VR-EXP is to download the pre-configured virtual machine.
Download and install the Virtual Box virtualisation system.
Download the Virtual Machine (approx. 6GB).
After the download is complete, import the vrexp.ova file into your system by using the option VirtualBox -> “Import Appliance”.
(Optional) If you want to access the virtual machine via SSH, it will be necessary to add a Host Only interface (VirtualBox preferences). Next, run the following command: ssh [email protected] Login credentials: Username: vrexp Password: vrexp
Using VR-EXP:
Quick test: Usage: vrexp <video_id> <segment_count> <tilling scheme - vertical split (lines) - horizontal split (columns)>
Example (as root):
vrexp localhost v1 60 id0001 /usr/local/src/viewport_traces/per_user/user_1/video_1.txt 90 4 8 0 1 1 2
Output file: /home/vrexp/videologs/id0001.log Tile-based VR videos directory: /var/www/html/ Head track traces: /usr/local/src/viewport_traces/
(Optional) Automated execution with enforced network performance:
a. Define the experiment parameters in the following files:
- Topology.txt
If you want to perform a simple test, the provided example files should be ok.
b. (Optional) - To enforce controlled network performance conditions, run the SDN controller: cd /usr/local/src nohup sudo ryu-manager &
c. (Optional) - Simulate a network topology.
d. Run apache2 on the mininet CDN node:
e. (Optional) - For automated execution, use the sample script /usr/local/bin/ (the script is responsible for both varying the network conditions and executing the VR-EXP)
f. For a standalone execution using mininet:
/home/mininet/mininet/util/m u001 /usr/local/bin/vrexp v1 60 id0001 /usr/local/src/viewport_traces/per_user/user_1/video_1.txt 90 4 12 30 6 1 2
Extra: If you need to recompile VR-EXP, you will need the following libs:
pthread.h stdio.h stdlib.h unistd.h string.h curl.h errno.h stdio.h math.h
To compile the source code: