Releases: rswag/rswag
Releases · rswag/rswag
2.7.0 Release Candidate
What's Changed
- drop support for EOL ruby + rails versions by @jtannas in #542
- update ChangeLog to replect contents of latest release by @jtannas in #549
- Make the docker user non-root for easier volume sharing by @jtannas in #550
- Update json-schema dependency version constraint by @mustardnoise in #517
- Fix Style/SingleArgumentDig rubocop issues in swagger_formatter by @rnestler in #486
- Update base path configuration for OpenAPI 3 by @romanblanco in #547
- make rspec-core dependency explicit by @jtannas in #554
- add deprecation notices for EOL Ruby & RSpec by @jtannas in #552
- Add Test Coverage Tooling by @jtannas in #551
- Override Content Security Policy for Swagger UI Compat by @eric-hemasystems in #263
- Update spec file path by @remy727 in #557
- Add ADDITIONAL_RSPEC_OPTS ENV var for rswag:specs:swaggerize by @asavageiv in #556
- chore: Update Url and QueryParam in cspell.json by @Jason3S in #560
New Contributors
- @mustardnoise made their first contribution in #517
- @rnestler made their first contribution in #486
- @romanblanco made their first contribution in #547
- @eric-hemasystems made their first contribution in #263
- @remy727 made their first contribution in #557
- @Jason3S made their first contribution in #560
Full Changelog: 2.6.0...2.7.0
What's Changed
- stale-plan by @BookOfGreg in #492
- Add some OAS3 param serialization by @iainbryson in #311
- add custom error in case user forgets to define name with let by @SteveRedka in #455
- Issue and PR template updates by @sergioisidoro in #496
- Renames rswag-ui.rb to rswag_ui.rb initialize file created by generator by @georgiybykov in #508
- Fix examples, and upgrade examples to OAS3 by @sergioisidoro in #501
- FIX array query params for open api 3.0 by @ngouy in #507
- Update unreleased changelog by @sergioisidoro in #512
- Fix dynamic example generation docs by @sergioisidoro in #513
- Fix for nullable refs by @codebender in #515
- Display all validation errors not just first by @stephenbinns in #461
- Support for adding descriptions in body params by @mynnx in #422
- Bump swagger-ui-dist from 3.52.5 to 4.1.3 in /rswag-ui by @dependabot in #476
- Update by @ydah in #536
- Update by @cprodhomme in #525
- Fix some spelling by @ydah in #535
- Fix readme response header for open api 3.0 by @YaEvan in #518
- Tag the examples generated by run_test! for easier filtering by @asavageiv in #516
- add spellchecking workflow to PRs by @jtannas in #541
- Limit comments to 80 characters width by @mkllnk in #487
New Contributors
- @iainbryson made their first contribution in #311
- @SteveRedka made their first contribution in #455
- @georgiybykov made their first contribution in #508
- @ngouy made their first contribution in #507
- @codebender made their first contribution in #515
- @stephenbinns made their first contribution in #461
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #476
- @ydah made their first contribution in #536
- @cprodhomme made their first contribution in #525
- @YaEvan made their first contribution in #518
- @asavageiv made their first contribution in #516
- @jtannas made their first contribution in #541
- @mkllnk made their first contribution in #487
Full Changelog: 2.5.1...2.6.0
What's Changed
- Fixed missing assets in rswag-ui #493
New Contributors
- @benjaminwols made their first contribution in #471
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1
[2.5.0] - 2022-02-08
- Update swagger-ui to 3.52.5 #453
- Added specs print failed body #406
- Added ability to specify multiple params in short form #300
- REVERTS #300, help wanted! #407
- Added better messages for missing lets #441
- Added Rails 7.0 support #450
- Fixed allowed $refs in components #404
2.5.0.rc1 - Rails 7 support
- Add a macro for complexes multiparts
- Allow use #/components/parameters and other in inherited $refs
- Show the response body for comparison when schema checks fail