Hello! I'm Rico. You can find me in Mastodon or Twitter. You might know me from a few open source projects that are now maintained by the community:
pnpm (pnpm/pnpm ) is a npm management tool. Original author. |
Mina (mina-deploy/mina ) is a fast web app deployment tool. Original co-author. |
js2coffee (js2coffee/js2coffee ) compiles JavaScript into CoffeeScript. Original author. |
I manage a humble website with cheatsheets for web developers:
Devhints (https://devhints.io/) is a website of cheatsheets by developers for developers. |
Some of my projects:
nprogress is a light-weight progress bar. | |
rscss is a unique CSS methodology. | |
remount allows creating web components from React components. | |
expug is a Pug template compiler for Phoenix and Elixir. |
I'm proud of a few of my Vim plugins:
vim-closer closes braces automatically and unobtrusively. | |
vim-hyperstyle lets you type CSS faster. | |
vim-opinion is a set of opinioned defaults for Vim. |
I also wrote a few Ruby and JavaScript things here and there :)