A simple framework to help request and parse data from a HTTP request. Like all of these things the intention is to reduce boilerplate and to do things properly.
Create a data parser
When you fetch the data over HTTP you get back a inputstream containing the HTTP response. A data parser simply takes that input stream and converts it to a data object of your choice. Just implement
is your output data object type.public class MyParser implements IDataAccessObjectParser<MyDataObject> { @Override public MyDataObject getDataObject(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { // Convert to string String responseString = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "UTF-8"); MyDataObject dataObject = new MyDataObject(); // .. Parser the data .... // Return parsed data object return dataObject; } }
Instantiate DataAccess with the Parser
DataAccess<MyDataObject> dataAccess = new DataAccess<MyDataObject>( new MyParser() );
Define what to do when we are sucessfull and when we fail
dataAccess.setSucessDelegate(new IDataAccessSucessDelegate<GeoLocationResult>() { @Override public void onDataAccessSucess(GeoLocationResult result) { double lat = result.getResults().get(0).getGeometry().getLocation().getLat(); Log.i(TAG, "Sucess, Latitude: " + lat); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Lat:" + lat, 1000); toast.show(); } }); dataAccess.setFailureDelegate(new IDataAccessFailureDelegate() { @Override public void onDataAccessFailed(DataAccessErrorType failReason, Exception exception) { Log.i(TAG, "Failed, reason: " + failReason.toString()); } });
(Optional) Set some paramters.
dataAccess.setCacheLength(this, 10); dataAccess.setConnectionTimeOut(20);
Start the request with a URL OR a URL and some data to post.
dataAccess.startDataAccess(MainActivity.this, "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=11yorkRoad,Waterloo,London&sensor=false",true);
The follwiong errors can be returned to the onDataAccessFailed
There is no internet connection dected on the device. This error will come back imidiately. (it wont wait for a timout)CONNECTION_ERROR
Somthing went wrong with the connection.TIMEOUT
The connection timed out.PARSER_FAILED
The parser threw an error or returned a null object.UNKNOWN_HOST
The given URL could not be resolved.UNKNOWN_ERROR
Catch all error.
This is essecienially a thin wrapper around ignitionHTTP (formally droudFu).
IgnitionHTTP deals with some connection retry logic and also handles the situation where Wi-Fi goes to 3G or vice versa.
This also uses the execelent GSON for the example parser.