Hardware Design of Ascon-AEAD128
Ascon is a family of authenticated encryption and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight and easy to implement, even with added countermeasures against side-channel attacks. Ascon has been selected as new standard for lightweight cryptography in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography competition (2019–2023). The current draft standard of Ascon is available here.
This is a work-in-progress hardware implementation of the Ascon family of lightweight cryptographic algorithms that is compatible with the current draft standard NIST SP 800-232.
Variant | Modes | Bus Width | Unrolled Rounds |
v1 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 32-bit | 1 |
v2 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 32-bit | 2 |
v3 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 32-bit | 4 |
v4 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 64-bit | 1 |
v5 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 64-bit | 2 |
v6 | Ascon-AEAD128, Ascon-Hash256 | 64-bit | 4 |
The following table shoes the performance of Ascon-AEAD128 authenticated encryption/decryption using x bytes of message and y bytes of associated data (x,y):
Variant | Mode | Cycles (0,0) | Cycles (16,16) | Cycles (1536,1536) |
v1 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 41 | 75 | 2355 |
v2 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 29 | 51 | 1571 |
v3 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 23 | 39 | 1179 |
v4 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 35 | 65 | 1965 |
v5 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 23 | 41 | 1181 |
v6 | Ascon-AEAD128 | 17 | 29 | 789 |
: Verilog implementation of the Ascon core.rtl/asconp.sv
: Verilog implementation of the Ascon permutation.rtl/config_core.sv
: Configuration file for the Ascon core and test bench.ascon.py
: Reference software implementation of Ascon, used bytest.py
: License file.Makefile
: Commands for running cocotb verilator test bench.README.md
: This README.surfer.ron
: Configuration file for the Surfer waveform viewer.test.py
: Python script for running test bench, used by cocotb.
The following table contains a description of the interface signals:
Name | Bits | Description |
clk | 1 | Clock signal. |
rst | 1 | Reset signal. Note: Synchronous active high. |
key | 32/64 | Key data input. |
key_valid | 1 | Key data is valid. |
key_ready | 1 | Ascon core is ready to receive a new key. |
bdi_data | 32/64 | Block data input (BDI). |
bdi_valid | 4/8 | Valid BDI data bytes. |
bdi_ready | 1 | Ascon core is ready to receive data. |
bdi_eot | 1 | Current BDI block is the last block of its type. |
bdi_eoi | 1 | Current BDI block is the last block of input. |
bdi_type | 4 | Type of BDI data. |
mode | 4 | Ascon mode. |
bdo_data | 32/64 | Block data output (BDO). |
bdo_valid | 4/8 | Valid BDO data bytes. |
bdo_ready | 1 | Test bench is ready to receive data. |
bdo_type | 4 | Type of BDO data. |
auth | 1 | 1=Authentication success, 0=Authentication failure. |
auth_valid | 1 | Authentication output is valid. |
- Install the Verilator open-source verilog simulator with version >= 5.0:
- Ubuntu:
apt-get install verilator
- Fedora:
dnf install verilator
dnf install verilator-devel
- Build from source:
- Ubuntu:
- Install the cocotb open-source verilog test bench environment:
pip install cocotb
- Execute the cocotb test bench:
- Install the Surfer waveform viewer.
- View waveform of cocotb test bench run:
make surf
- Example waveform output of test bench:
- Robert Primas (rprimas 'at' proton.me, https://rprimas.github.io)
The interface of the Ascon core is inspired by the LWC Hardware API Development Package that was mainly developed by the Cryptographic Engineering Research Group at George Mason University (GMU).