This directory groups together the various test cases implemented as part of the OperaHPC project.
git clone
export SPACK_ROOT=$PWD/spack
source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
Firstly, get the mfem-mgis spack repository.
git clone
spack repo add $PWD/spack-repo-mfem-mgis
Secondly, install mfem-mgis
spack install [email protected]
Thirdly, load mfem-mgis
spack load mfem-mgis
export MFEMMGIS_DIR=`spack location -i mfem-mgis`/share/mfem-mgis/cmake/
Finally, build your examples:
git clone
cd mm-opera-hpc/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4
The default example is the rupture of a spherical, pressurized inclusion (e.g., a gas bubble) in an elastic infinite medium.
The criterium to determine the rupture or not is based on a simple geometrical assumption, i.e., if a certain distance
Usage: ./test-bubble [options] ...
-h, --help
Print this help message and exit.
-m <string>, --mesh <string>, current value: mesh/single_sphere.msh
Mesh file to use.
-l <string>, --library <string>, current value: src/
Material library.
-f <string>, --bubble-file <string>, current value: mesh/single_bubble.txt
File containing the bubbles.
-o <int>, --order <int>, current value: 1
Finite element order (polynomial degree).
-r <int>, --refinement <int>, current value: 0
refinement level of the mesh, default = 0
-p <int>, --post-processing <int>, current value: 1
run post processing step
-v <int>, --verbosity-level <int>, current value: 0
choose the verbosity level
The problem of a pressurized spherical inclusion in an infinite, elastic medium has a closed solution for the expressions of the stresses as a function of the distance from the sphere center.
The comparison obtained running the test-case considering the FE mesh available bubble/mesh/single_sphere.msh
and the analytical solution is showed below, and can be generated thanks to the script available in the verification/bubble
This example is under construction
Usage: ./uniaxial-polycristal [options] ...
-h, --help
Print this help message and exit.
-m <string>, --mesh <string>, current value: periodic-cube.msh
Mesh file to use.
-f <string>, --vect <string>, current value: periodic-cube-vecteurs.txt
Vector file to use.
-l <string>, --library <string>, current value: src/
Material library.
-o <int>, --order <int>, current value: 2
Finite element order (polynomial degree).
-r <int>, --refinement <int>, current value: 0
refinement level of the mesh, default = 0
-p <int>, --post-processing <int>, current value: 1
run post processing step
-v <int>, --verbosity-level <int>, current value: 0
choose the verbosity level