DC Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF): (i) one lossless DCOPF model and (ii) two lossy DCOPF models.
This set of AMPL codes implements a normal lossless DCOPF model and two lossy DCOPF model. The test case used here is a modified IEEE RTS-96 reliability test system (73-bus) that was initially developed by the IEEE reliability subcommittee and published in 1979 and later enhanced in 1996. Reference: "The IEEE Reliability Test System-1996. A report prepared by the Reliability Test System Task Force of the Application of Probability Methods Subcommittee" and link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/780914. Though only tested on this single system here, these codes can work on any other systems.
Model 1 (M1) for lossy DCOPF: M1 implemented the model (2)-(14) of the following paper: O. W. Akinbode and K. W. Hedman "Fictitious losses in the DCOPF with a piecewise linear approximation of losses," IEEE PES General Meeting, Jul. 2013.
Model 2 (M2) for lossy DCOPF: M2 is an iterative Loss approximation based model. For each iteration: it calculates total losses and then the change in losses than previous iteration; and then assign the losses to all/selected buses with same/different participation factors. This method converges when the difference of total losses between two consecutive iterations is less than a threshold. Possibly, two iterations repeat themselves, which cause method to diverge.
The following paper provides more details about Representation of Transmission Losses (how to assign losses to buses):
Dr. Xingpeng Li
University of Houston
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://rpglab.github.io/
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