Python script to concatenate go files into a single file.
On several AI platform you need to upload code in a single file. This is a simple script that concatenate all go files from a repository into a single file:
- imports are handled
- the file with the main() method will appear first in the final file
- it only handles single package project (
package main
No library required.
You can run the script with python3 path/to/file/ path/output file_name
or just python3
after editing paths in the script (somewhere at the end).
I use this script mainly for Codingame challenges. This platform has an integrated IDE, to copy paste my code quickly I am using xsel to copy the code to the clipbloard.
Install xsel: sudo apt-get install xsel
Run the script + copy to clipbloard: python3 | xsel -b
(-b copies to the clipboard), and then ctrl-V in the IDE.
After pasting the text you will have a blank line between each line of code, I haven't looked into that yet.