Replacement for Elgg's core autocomplete and userpicker
- Integrates jquery.tokeninput to create user-friendly autocomplete / userpicker inputs
- Autocomplete entity and tag input fields
- Can be easily extended to create autocomplete inputs with custom search logic
- Allows single as well as multiple values
- Allow free tag input
- jquery.tokeninput
Default behavior of the JS plugin is to implode user input into a comma-separated string.
PHP plugin hook for 'action', 'all' will attempt to explode these values
and feed them back into an action for further processing. This however,
will only work with basic form input names, e.g. name="field_name"
If you are working with more complex forms, where e.g. name="field_name[element_name]"
you will need to add some custom logic to your action.
To initialize a tokeninput upon successfull AJAX request, use
Use 'tokeninput:entity:export', $entity_type
plugin hook to modify json output.
You can add 'html_result' and 'html_token' parameters to customize the output.
Use 'results:formatter', 'tokeninput'
and 'results:formatter', 'tokeninput'
Create an input that would allow users to search and select multiple files to be attached to an entity:
Add an input to the form:
echo elgg_view('input/tokeninput', array(
'value' => $current_attachment_guids, // An array of values (guids or entities) to pre-populate the input with
'name' => 'attachment_guids',
'callback' => 'my_search_files_callback',
'query' => array('simpletype' => 'image'),
'multiple' => true
Add a callback function:
function my_search_files_callback($query, $options = array()) {
$user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
$simpletype = get_input('simpletype');
$query = sanitize_string($query);
// replace mysql vars with escaped strings
$q = str_replace(array('_', '%'), array('\_', '\%'), $query);
$dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
$options['types'] = array('object');
$options['subtypes'] = array('file');
$options['joins'][] = "JOIN {$dbprefix}objects_entity oe ON oe.guid = e.guid";
$options['wheres'][] = "oe.title LIKE '%$q%'";
$options['wheres'][] = "e.owner_guid = $user->guid";
if ($simpletype) {
$options['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = array(
'name' => 'simpletype', 'value' => $simpletype
return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
In your action file:
$attachment_guids = get_input('attachment_guids');
if (is_string($attachment_guids)) {
$attachment_guids = explode(',', $attachment_guids);
if (is_array($attachment_guids)) {
foreach ($attachment_guids as $attachment_guid) {
make_attachment($entity->guid, $attachment_guid);
library has been removed.elgg_load_library('elgg.tokeninput')
calls will WSOD, just remove them -
Tokeninput JS is no longer loaded on each page load. If you are loading a view that contains a tokeninput via AJAX, use
require(['tokeninput/lib'], function(tokeninput) {
define('ELGG_TOKENINPUT_PAGEHANDLER', 'tokeninput');
has been removed. If you need to modify page handler identifier, unregister the page handler and register a new one