Elixir bindings for the Rust Blake3 implementation.
These bindings use :rustler
to connect to the hashing functions.
The package can be installed by adding blake3
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:blake3, "~> 1.0"}
run mix deps.get
and mix deps.compile
to pull and build the bindings
There are feature options in the rust implementation that allow for additional SIMD instructions and multithreading. They can be set though environment variable or Mix.Config
export BLAKE3_SIMD_MODE=neon
export BLAKE3_RAYON=true
config :blake3,
simd_mode: :neon,
rayon: :true
enables ARM NEON supportrayon
enables Rayon-based multithreading
When changing configuration you will need to call mix deps.compile
to enable the features.
> Blake3.hash("foobarbaz")
#<<192, 154, 254, 224, 201, 243, 97 ...
> Blake3.new() |> Blake3.update("foo") |> Blake3.update("bar") |> Blake3.update("baz") |> Blake3.finalize()
#<<192, 154, 254, 224, 201, 243, 97 ...
> Blake3.hash("boom") |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
We follow Rustler itself, supporting latest three minor Elixir versions and major OTP versions. As for Rust itself, we only support stable.
Documentation can found at https://hexdocs.pm/blake3.