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Install script

This is an install script for configuring fresh machines.

  1. Create a ~/Code/ directory.
  2. Clone or download the repo into that directory.
  3. Run the installation script.
$ git clone [email protected]:rossnoble/dotfiles.git
$ cd dotfiles
$ ./

Manual settings

These are things that are useful but hard to automate.

  1. Configure keyboard settings
    • Set "Key repeat rate" to max Fast
    • Set "Delay until repeat" to max Short
    • Change Caps Lock key to "Control": Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Modifier Keys
  2. Configure display settings
    • Hide the dock: Desktop & Dock > Automatically show and hide the Dock
  3. Set hot corners in MacOS
    • Bottom left: all windows
    • Bottom right: desktop
  4. Update iTerm defaults
    • Full screen mode: General > Window > Deselect "Native full screen windows"
    • Increase font size: Profiles > Text > Bump to 14/15
  5. Configure Alfred: search scopes
    • Update search scopes (details??)
    • Update Cmd + Spacebar to open Alfred
  6. Configure Control Center
    • ...
  7. Configure SSH keys for Github:


  1. Run PlugInstall to install vim plugins


Run the ./scripts/ script or manually below.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C [email protected]

Start the ssh agent

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Add the following to ~./ssh/config

  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519" > ~/.ssh/config

Add key to Github:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/