The Kuala Lumpur MongoDB User-Group is sponsored by 10gen and R1
Core Contributor: Planyourwedding.MY
It was formed in September 2011 and has since been meeting on a regular monthly basis to discuss all things MongoDB.
Malaysia has one of the largest MongoDB communities in South East Asia and many companies using the database in production.
We have started a collection of presentations and source-code that the group shares.
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): State of MongoDB in Malaysia - Slideshare by Mark Smalley
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): State of MongoDB in Malaysia - PDF by Mark Smalley
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): State of MongoDB in Malaysia - PowerPoint by Mark Smalley
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): MongoDS and - PDF by Arzumy
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): MongoDS and - PowerPoint by Arzumy
- MongoDB Day KL 2013 (KL MUG 13): MongoDS and - Keynote by Arzumy
- KL MUG 12: Keynote - Presentation by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 12: MongoDB and Ruby - Presentation by Tristan Gomez
- KL MUG 12: Rapid API Development on MongoDB - Presentation by Daniel Hjelm
- KL MUG 11: JSON and The Argonauts - Micro Site by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 11: JSON and The Argonauts - Source Code by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 11: JSON and The Argonauts - Presentation by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 11: JSON and The Argonauts - Presentation Source by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 11: One Year with MongoDB - Presentation by Tristan Gomez
- KL MUG 09: Keynote - Presentation by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 09: Intro to Mongoose - Source Code by Grey Ang
- KL MUG 08: [Simple Analytics with MongoDB]( presentation.ppt) - Presentation by Ross Affandy
- KL MUG 07: MongoDB MapReduce - Blog Post by Tristan Gomez
- KL MUG 07: MongoDB MapReduce - PDF by Tristan Gomez
- KL MUG 06: Over-View - Blog Post by Lien Yu
- KL MUG 06: Over-View - Audio-Recording by Lien Yu
- KL MUG 06: GridFS - Lightening Talk Presentation by Mark Smalley
- KL MUG 06: High Availability + Replica-Sets with MongoDB - Blog Post by Gareth Davies
- KL MUG 06: High Availability + Replica-Sets with MongoDB - Presentation by Gareth Davies
- KL MUG 05: Searching MongoDB - Source Code by Tristan Gomez
- KL MUG Facebook Group
- KL MUG on Twitter
- MOSC2012 Presentation - Building High-Performance Web-Applications with PHP and MongoDB by Mark Smalley
- WebCampKL CMS Showdown - Introducing MongoPress - Presentation by Mark Smalley
- WebCampKL NoSQL Showdown - Why I Believe MongoDB is The Dog's Bollocks by Mark Smalley
- 10gen - Makers of MongoDB
- R1 DOT MY - Primary Organizer of KL MUG
- MindValley - Primary Location for Meetups