A quickstart-friendly TypeScript package with lots of great repository tooling. ✨
This template is available for anybody who wants to set up a basic Node application using TypeScript. It sets up the following tooling for you:
- All Contributors: Tracks various kinds of contributions and displays them in a nicely formatted table in the README.md.
- ESLint: Static analysis for JavaScript code, configured with typescript-eslint for TypeScript code and other general-use plugins.
- Knip: Detects unused files, dependencies, and code exports.
- Markdownlint: Static analysis for Markdown code.
- pnpm: Disk-efficient package manager alternative.
- PR Compliance Action: Checks PRs for compliance on chore such as addressing a linked issue and proper title formatting.
- Prettier: Opinionated formatting for code, run on file save and as a Git commit hook via husky and lint-staged.
- release-it: Generates changelogs, bumps the package version, and publishes to GitHub and npm based on conventional commits.
- Renovate: Keeps dependencies up-to-date with PRs, configured to wait a few days after each update for safety.
- TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript, configured with strict compiler options.
- Vitest: Fast unit tests, configured with coverage tracking.
First make sure you have the following installed:
- GitHub CLI (you'll need to be logged in)
- Node.js
- pnpm
To use this template:
- Click the Use this template button to create a new repository with the same Git history
- Open that repository, such as by cloning it locally or developing in a codespace
- Create two tokens in repository secrets:
: A GitHub PAT with repo permissionsNPM_TOKEN
: An npm access token with Automation permissions
pnpm install
pnpm run setup
- Install the Codecov GitHub App and Renovate GitHub App
The setup script removes the
## Explainer
and## Setup
from this README.md.
The setup script requires four options to fill out repository details. It will interactively prompt for any that are not provided as a string CLI flag:
: The kebab-case name of the repository (e.g.template-typescript-node-package
: Title Case title for the repository to be used in documentation (e.g.Template TypeScript Node Package
: GitHub organization or user the repository is underneath (e.g.JoshuaKGoldberg
: Sentence case description of the repository (e.g.A quickstart-friendly TypeScript package with lots of great repository tooling. ✨
Additionally, a --skip-api
boolean CLI flag may be specified to prevent the setup script from calling to GitHub APIs for repository hydration.
The script normally posts to GitHub APIs to set information such as repository description and branch protections on github.com.
Specifying --skip-api
prevents those API calls, effectively limiting setup changes to local files in Git.
Doing so can be useful to preview what running setup does.
For example, pre-populating all values and skipping API calls:
pnpm run setup --repository "testing-repository" --title "Testing Title" --owner "TestingOwner" --description "Test Description" --skip-api
Tip: after running
pnpm run setup
, you can alwaysgit add -A; git reset --hard HEAD
to completely reset all changes.
npm i template-typescript-node-package
import { greet } from "template-typescript-node-package";
greet("Hello, world!");
See .github/CONTRIBUTING.md
Thanks! 💖
Josh Goldberg 🐛 💻 🖋 💡 🤔 🚇 🚧 📦 📆 👀 🛡️ 🔧 |
Jeff Wen 🔧 |
Paul Esch-Laurent 🔧 |
NazCodeland 🔧 |
John Reilly 🐛 🤔 📣 🚧 💻 👀 |
Lars Kappert 🔧 🤔 |
Rebecca Stevens 💻 🤔 |
Ron Jean-Francois 🔧 |
Dominik Nowik 🔧 |
takanomedev 🔧 |
💙 This package is based on @JoshuaKGoldberg's template-typescript-node-package.