A chaos equation is a system of n arbitrary equations describing coordinates of a point in n dimensional space. There are 2 formulas chosen in 2D space describing x and y coordinates, which begin in an arbitrary value. Using constants changes the behaviour of the movement. We apply the formulas to calculate new x, y coordinates repeatedly n times to see the outcome of the created chaos equation.
- Example:
- Start at position: [x,y] = [1,1]
- Define a constant: T = 3
- Formula for new x: new_x = x + y*T
- Formula for new y: new_y = x - y*T
- Count new x, y repeatedly n times and observe
- Python Code:
n = 5 # number of iterations
x, y = (1, 1) # initial coordinates
T = 1.5 # arbitrary constant
for i in range(1, n+1): # repeat n times
new_x = x + y*T # calculate new x
new_y = x - y*T # calculate new y
x, y = (new_x, new_y) # set x, y to new_x, new_y respectively
print(f"{i}. iteration [x, y] = [{x}, {y}]")
- Output:
1. iteration [x, y] = [2.5, -0.5]
2. iteration [x, y] = [1.75, 3.25]
3. iteration [x, y] = [6.625, -3.125]
4. iteration [x, y] = [1.9375, 11.3125]
5. iteration [x, y] = [18.90625, -15.03125]
We can plot the result with Python matplotlib library:
Plotting the same equation with changed T constant to -1 and number of iterations to 10:
1. iteration [x, y] = [ 0, 2]
2. iteration [x, y] = [ -2, 2]
3. iteration [x, y] = [ -4, 0]
4. iteration [x, y] = [ -4, -4]
5. iteration [x, y] = [ 0, -8]
6. iteration [x, y] = [ 8, -8]
7. iteration [x, y] = [ 16, 0]
8. iteration [x, y] = [ 16, 16]
9. iteration [x, y] = [ 0, 32]
10. iteration [x, y] = [-32, 32]
Slight changes to the constant value has sometimes distinctive outcome.
Not only we can observe the movement of a point in different equations with their different constant values, but also the movement of all calculated points by changing the constants. Manipulating constant values "moves" the whole equation, hence equation movement.
In examples below was used the previous equation with 5 iterations. The plot on the left side shows the point movement in different T constant values. The plot on the right visualizes equation movement between those T constants, where i means the iteration step.
Minimalizing differences between the constants results to more detailed movements.
A chaos equation, where a constant is represented by "time". The initial coordinates start at an arbitrary time value (can be negative). The equations are applied repeatedly to calculate new coordinates. Time changes at given speed and new point movements are calculated. Commonly we want to visualize the equation movement.
These equations are explained and visualized in the video in the video mentioned below.
The Lorenz system is a system of ordinary differential equations first studied by Edward Lorenz. It is notable for having chaotic solutions for certain parameter values and initial conditions. In particular, the Lorenz attractor is a set of chaotic solutions of the Lorenz system which, when plotted, resemble a butterfly or figure eight. (Wikipedia)
The Lorenz system is represented in 3D space with 3 differential equations for x, y, z. It uses the values 10, 28, 8/3 for the constants S, R, B respectively.
dx/dt = S*(y - x)
dy/dt = x*(R - z) - y
dz/dt = x*y - B*z
This system can be represented by Time chaos equation.
dx = dt * (S*(y - x))
dy = dt * (x*(R - z) - y)
dz = dt * (x*y - B*z)
new_x = x + dx # new_x = x + dt * (S*(y - x))
new_y = y + dy # new_y = y + dt * (x*(R - z) - y)
new_z = z + dz # new_z = z + dt * (x*y - B*z)
The visualization of The Lorenz system was created in Processing by CodingTrain. (Video link, Source code)
An iterative expression converges after n iterations towards a particular number. This expression has then a limit equal to the number. An expression diverges when it does not approach any number. The divergent expression tends to approach positive or negative infinity or may have a unreachable value infimum or supremum (minimum or maximum) but does not approach it. For example a sum of alternating +1 and -1 does not have a limit but has a supremum of 1 and infimum of 0.
The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c for which the function fc(z) = z*z + c does not diverge when iterated from z = 0, i.e., for which the sequence fc(0), fc(fc(0)), etc., remains bounded in absolute value. (Wikipedia)
A complex number (a+bi) represented in 2D space is simply projecting its real component (a) onto x axis and its imaginary component (b) onto y axis. Then we can create a chaos equation out of the Mandelbrot formula and observe its atributes.
The equations for new x, y, where C1, C2 are constants representing real and imaginary part of a complex number respectively:
new_x = x*x - y*y + C1
new_y = 2*x*y + C2
We use formula to square imaginary numbers and divided the result into its real and imaginary component.
n = 100 # number of iterations
x, y = (0, 0) # starting point
ca, cb = (x, y) # ca is real part of c, cb is imaginary part of c
za, zb = (0, 0)
infinity = 4 # specify infinity in finite spectrum
for i in range(n):
new_za = za*za - zb*zb + ca # calculate new real part of z
new_zb = 2*za*zb + cb # calculate new imaginary part of z
za, zb = (new_za, new_zb)
if za*za * zb*zb > infinity: # stop if the new values go beyond infinity value
For every equation we can create its own convergent set.
Inspired by CodeParade's video Chaos Equations - Simple Mathematical Art on YouTube
Source code to his solution: https://github.com/HackerPoet/Chaos-Equations
More about Chaos theory on Wikipedia
Solution made using Processing