This is a simple zotero connector for nyxt browser.
First clone the repo somewhere where nyxt can find it, e.g. ~/.local/share/nyxt/extensions/
git clone ~/.local/share/nyxt/extensions/nx-zotero
To load the extension, add the following to your config.lisp:
(nyxt:define-nyxt-user-system-and-load "nyxt-user/nx-zotero-proxy"
:description "This proxy system saves us if nx-zotero fails to load.
Otherwise it will break all the config loading."
:depends-on ("nx-zotero"))
To enable zotero mode for all web pages that you visit, you can add the following to your config.lisp
(define-configuration web-buffer
(pushnew 'zotero-mode %slot-value%))))
Default keybinding to save the page to zotero is C-c z for emacs mode.
For other modes the key should be defined in config.lisp as per nyxt documentation, e.g.
(defvar *my-emacs-keymap* (make-keymap "my-emacs-map"))
(defvar *my-vi-keymap* (make-keymap "my-vi-map"))
(define-key *my-emacs-keymap* "C-c z" 'nx-zotero:save-current)
(define-key *my-vi-keymap* "y z" 'nx-zotero:save-current)
(define-mode my-mode
"Dummy mode for the custom key bindings in *my-keymap*."
(nkeymaps/core:make-keyscheme-map nyxt/keyscheme:emacs *my-emacs-keymap*
nyxt/keyscheme:vi-normal *my-vi-keymap*)
(define-configuration web-buffer
"Enable this mode by default."
((default-modes (pushnew 'my-mode %slot-value%))))
This extension provides nyxt interface to Zotero connector HTTP server, which performs all of the heavy lifting.
Currently implemented functionality includes sending the page to zotero and choosing one of the sources for saving in case of multiple choice.