- Create a virtual environment, python 3.6+.
- Install dependencies mentioned in requirements.txt file
- To check if its working run : => python manage.py runserver
- To apply in-built migrations: => python manage.py migrate
- To populate masters, run: => python manage.py populate_masters
- Your code goes in the
To create APIs for a transaction.
Tech Stack - Django, Python 3.6+
For creation of APIs - Can use Django Rest Framework.
PART A: Models
Unique Id - auto_generated primary field
Company - linked to CompanyLedgerMaster - display CompanyLedgerMaster name in response
Branch - linked to BranchMaster - display BranchMaster short_name in response
Department - linked to DepartmentMaster- display DepartmentMaster name in response
Transaction Number - unique for each transaction
Format - TRN/{COUNT}/{YEAR}
Count here should reset to 1 for every year.
Transaction Status - Choice Field. Could be PENDING/COMPLETED/CLOSE
Remarks - Char field. Is optional
Transaction Line Item Details
Each transaction can have multiple item details
Unique Id - auto_generated primary field
Article - linked to ArticleMaster- display ArticleMaster name in response
Colour - linked to ColorMaster - display ColorMaster name in response
Required on date - A date-time field
Quantity - Decimal Field.
Rate per unit - Integer Field
Unit - Choice Field.Can be KG/METRE
Inventory Item
Each above line item consists of multiple inventory items.
Unique Id - auto_generated primary field
Article - linked to ArticleMaster- display ArticleMaster name in response
Colour - linked to ColorMaster - display ColorMaster name in response
Company -linked to CompanyLedgerMaster - display CompanyLedgerMaster Name in response
Gross Quantity - Decimal field.
Net Quantity - Decimal field.
Unit - Choice Field.Can be KG/METRE
PART B: APIs to create
Add a transaction document with its line items.
Add line items once a transaction is created.
Add multiple inventory items to line items.
Delete a transaction, cant be deleted if inventory is created.
View a transaction with all its line items and their inventory items.
PART C: Validations (Optional)
Two line items in a transaction cant have same combination of article and colour.
Colour chosen should have a link with chosen article.
All response should be in a format:
{ "data": {}, "message": "", "status": <SOME HTTP STATUS CODE> }
If the response is successful, it should be returned in the "data" field ;
"message" tells us error in case of any.
"status" is an http response status code.