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VSCode Course - Shortcuts

Useful extensions and shorcuts to improve the speed and reduce the inverted time during the coding.

Favorites commands and Shortcuts

Delete auto-identation of VS Code

    Mac -> ⇧ ⌥ tab
    Windows -> Shift + tab

Move chunk, lines of code after select it

    ⌥ ↓ / ⌥ ↑
    Alt + ↑ / ↓

Comment chunk or specific entire line of code after select it

    ⌘ /
    Ctrl + /

Comment only a specific word, text, code after select it

    ⇧ ⌥ A
    Shift + Alt + A

Remove chunk of code after select if

    ⇧ ⌘ K
    Ctrl + Shift + K

Remove all instances of variable or memory space of code after select if

    ⇧ ⌘ L
    Ctrl + Shift + L

    and then ..

    ⇧ ⌘ K
    Ctrl + Shift + K

Remove a specific line of code after select if

    ⇧ ⌘ X
    Ctrl + X

Hide Side Bar to be more focused

    ⌘ B
    Ctrl + B

Activate Zen Mode to only be focus on a File

    ⌘ K and then press Z
    Ctrl + K and then press Z

Wrap a text, line or chunk of code in a whatever you type after select it

    First select whatever you want to wrap
    then ...

    ⇧ ⌘ P
    Ctrl + SHIFT + P

    type for Emmet: Wrap with abbreviation

    and the type whatever will wrap the previous thing selected

Clone / Copy line down - up after set the cursor in the line that will be copied

    Shift + Alt +  ↓ / ↑

Create multicursors to edit multiples lines at the same time (fav, fav)

    ⇧ ⌥ ↑ / ↓
    Ctrl + Alt+ ↑ / ↓

Create multicursors to copy multiples lines at the same time (fav, fav)

    ⇧ ⌥ ↑ / ↓
    Ctrl + Alt + ↑ / ↓

    and then  ....

    Ctrl + Shift + rigth arrow -> to copy the same at all lines

Select all the sames instances of name, variable, etc

    ⌘ + D
    Ctrl + D

    and then do whatever you want to do ....

Analize by detail the content logic of a file

    ⌘ P => luego escribir la @
    ⇧ ⌘ O

    Ctrl + P => luego escribir la @
    Ctrl + Shift = O

    escribir " : " para agrupar los datos por tipo

    and it will display all the methods, names, variables, etc by detail

Check a specific line of code

    Ctrl + G
    Ctrl + P => luego escribir la :

Go to the End / Beggining of the File

    Ctrl + end/home

Open the Source Control View (to commit, push and pull)

    Ctrl + Shift + G

Open the Explorer View (where all the files are visible)

    Ctrl + Shift + E

Hide/Show the SideBar View (left)

    Ctrl + B

Open input for find especial configuration

    Ctrl + Shift + P and then type ">" 
    and the type
    what you are looking for

Open Preview of Markdown on a new tab

    Ctrl + Shift + P and then type ">" 
    and the type
    "Markdown: Open Preview"

Open Preview of Markdown on the Sreen Side (right side)

    Ctrl + Shift + P and then type ">" 
    and the type
    "Markdown: Open Preview to the Side "

Change the name of a symbol and all the childs instances

    set the cursor on the symbol and press F2 
    and type the new name


VSCode Customizations of Roger Oporta







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