A community driven list of useful Elm examples, tutorials, libraries and software for Game Development
Inspired by the awesome list thing. Feel free to improve this list.
- Elm-Tile-Editor - A Tile Editor written in Elm
- Slime - Slime provides an easy way to build a full game, using common Entity-Component-System architecture.
- Tiler - A Maze generator
- elm-game-resources - A library for managing game resources. Compatible with elm-2d-game
- Elm-Gamepad - Painless Elm library to use & configure gamepads and game controllers
- Elm-Narrative-Engine - A unique tool for telling interactive stories.
- Elm-Particle - Simple particle system for web apps.
- elm-astar - The A* pathfinding algorithm for Elm.
- pixelEngine - A game engine for pixel games. Sees itself as the spirituell successor to Elmo-8
- elm-2d-game - A small rendering engine for creating 2d games with elm, based on WebGL
- https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/w0rm/elm-physics/latest
- Elm 0.18
- elm-quiz - A package for creating Quiz games.
- Elm-collision - Elm library to detect collision of geometry in coordinate space
- Elm-Gameroom - This is a framework for creating multiplayer guessing games.
- elm-hex-grid - A hex-grid library for elm
- mazes
- Elmo-8 - PICO-8 inspired fantasy 8-bit game library for Elm
- Elm 0.17
- Elm - Coding the A- Pathfinding Algorithm with Jamon Holmgren and Chris Krycho
- Aaron VonderHaar - WebGl, sketches, map generation, etc.
- How to Create Tetris in Elm
- Rock Paper Scissors in Elm. A beginner friendly implementation.
- Building a memory game in Elm. Step by step, from scratch.
- Building a Mastermind game in Elm.
- Elm Plane - a Flappy Bird Clone in Elm (github, [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/elm/comments/3zg128/writing_a_flappy_bird_cl one_in_elm/))
- Using Elm to Create a Fun Game in Just Five Days (github, reddit, video, slides)
- Revisiting the "hard way": Base for a game in Elm 0.17
- Minesweeper - a brief journey from JavaScript/React to Elm (github)
- Writing Game of Life in Elm
- Five Months of Gamedev with Elm
- Revisiting the Game of Life in Elm
- Writing A Word Memory Game In Elm - Part 1: Setting Up an Elm Application With Parcel
- Making a pong game in elm 1 2 3 4
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