A Laravel package to manage fixtures with nelmio/alice.
This is installable via Composer as rnr/laravel-alice
composer install --dev rnr/laravel-alice
Create yml
fixture file as it is described nelmio/alice
username: '<username()>'
fullname: '<firstName()> <lastName()>'
birthDate: '<date()>'
email: '<email()>'
favoriteNumber: '50%? <numberBetween(1, 200)>'
name: Admins
owner: '@user1'
members: '<numberBetween(1, 10)>x @user*'
created: '<dateTimeBetween("-200 days", "now")>'
updated: '<dateTimeBetween($created, "now")>'
Class FixturelLoader
has one significant method load to load models.
That method receive one or array of files with data to load. You can load this fixture to database with next code:
namespace Rnr\Tests\Alice;
use Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase as ParentTestCase;
use Rnr\Alice\FixturesLoader;
use Nelmio\Entity\User;
use Nelmio\Entity\Group;
class TestCase extends ParentTestCase
/** @var FixturesLoader */
protected $fixturesLoader;
protected function setUp()
$this->fixturesLoader = $this->app->make(FixturesLoader::class);
public function testLoadingFixtures() {
$objects = $this->fixturesLoader->load('fixture.yml');
$users = User::all();
$this->assertEquals(array_map($objects, function ($model) {
return $model->getKey();
}), $users->modelKeys());
It loads data for next models:
namespace Nelmio\Entity;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class User extends Model {
protected $table = 'users';
class Group extends Model {
protected $table = 'groups';
public function owner() {
return $this->belnogsTo(User::class);
You can use id to specify related models in relationships, but these models should be already create in database.
If you add GenerateFixtureCommand
to your console kernel you can export data to yml from existing database.
This class add new command db:generate-fixture
to artisan. This command extract fixtures from database.
Command takes array of models with relations in specific format:
php artisan db:generate-fixture \
'Nelmio\Entity\User(relations:relation1,realation2.subrelation)=1,2,3-5,17,20-25' \
'Nelmio\Entity\Group(relations:hasOne)=*' > /path/to/fixture.yml