My name is Rodrigo Farinaccio Lotrario, 27, working as a software developer since I was 17. I'm from Brazil, enrolled into Computer Enginnering in 2015 at Federal University of Goiás, transferred to Computer Science in 2020, but never finished my degree. I'm really dedicated now to finish this important part of my life, and hope to finish by the end of 2024.
Today I'm working as a backend developer at BTG Pactual, a 40 years old multinational investment bank. I love working with others, helping wherever I can and finding solutions to problems that seem impossible. My last big accomplishment was to develop a free routing system for vehicles, combining the data from OpenStreetMap, OpenSourceRoutingMachine, and Google's Or-Tools library. I'm very happy to say that after a few months of hard work from our team, it was a huge success and is running in production for more than four years.
I'm always open to new challenges, so feel free to contact me about projects and opportunities, It will be my genuine pleasure to talk to you.
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